Robocop Suit build 1987


New Member
My 1987 Robocop suit build. I started this a couple weeks back and using Do3d files. To anyone considering the use Do3d file for this suit be warned. They are not great and if you want a movie accurate suit these files arent it.
I Have a lot of things planned for this build but I am just getting started. Will post updates as I go. I am printing all the parts in PETG using a mix of Craftbots and Prusa MK2 printers.
Currently workig on the helmet and upper chest and back.


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This looks awesome. I love how the lines from the 3D print actually help create a brushed aluminum feel. Too bad the lines on the helmet aren't running in the same direction although I guess it wouldn't make sense if they ran any other way huh. Bottom line is it helps pull off that effect or did you do some additional work to appear that way? Still all in all bad ass. I'm jealous of all you guys with your 3D printers lol. I was in a motorcycle accident 3 years ago and I'm a paraplegic now so I had to quit my job and I'm on disability. After I pay my bills I have like $35 left lol. Can't buy much with that. Sorry about the kind of personal tangent anyway yeah so far it's looking awesome. I can't wait to see this done.

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I have 4 craftbots and 2 Prusa MK2s printers. Chest and back parts are done printing. Working on the legs and feet right now. Testing the scale.
testing the foot size It actually fits really nice. Will be making a special insert and sole for it so I can walk.
Also photo of the chest and back parts. You might notice the errors in the parts by Do3d. (Look at the front chest part closely at the centerline)
These parts have not had any finish work yet.


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Printed a shin and the Auto 9. Some of my Craftbots at work on the thigh.


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Yeah They are....but I am using the uploaded from this site...I am not sure if I can rotate them or not I need to look at it.

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What is weird is when I view my attachments in my account they are all right side up.
Yeah They are....but I am using the uploaded from this site...I am not sure if I can rotate them or not I need to look at it.

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What is weird is when I view my attachments in my account they are all right side up.

I've found if I crop the image (just a tad) on my iPhone, send it to my MacBook and upload it from there, the vertical images won't post sideways. Bizarre but it works.
Just an update on the build:
I have printed the complete Left Leg, Left arm, Chest and back armor and the Helmet and neck parts to check fit and finish.
I think this needs to be said about the Robocop suit that Do3D sells:
For anyone considering purchasing Robocop Do3D files, please know that they have a LOT of issues. Its a long list and enough that you will have a ton of work to fix it. It not just missing details or inaccuracies, it is non connected surfaces, distorted circles, holes due to thin walls etc.
The Helmet prints I have seen in the other build threads of this suit aren't what you get with Do3D files. The Do3d helmet is a not very screen accurate. All of chin and neck parts are missing details and are not the same files as I am seeing the other builders print. The helmet Do3D is currently including is very slanted shape at the front forehead. Also the chin is much smaller, different shape, and does not have the bolt holes on it.
I am currently in the process of fixing the files and adding details so they are printable rather than doing all the manual work after they are printed.
Will post updates once I get these files fixed and tested.
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