Wolverine's Jackets


Well-Known Member
Wolf Style:
Same color gussets
Zipper on the left side
No snap back on collar
Gold Trim
Front pockets zip up to close
1-1/2 inches at the zipper and 5- at the back.




But be ready to wait a long time if you order one of these. I ordered mine's last September. After they told me it would take 6 to 8 weeks, when I called them in November, regarding an update. They told me, "we don't have the leather."

You had my order for 2 months, and just now you realize you don't have the leather? I really needed it for a con in Nov. I even told them that I had a deadline. A deadline they said they could make with days to spare. I called them again in Dec., and they gave me the leather excuse again.

Back in October, we were undecided about the size, so they said they could send me a slightly different jacket for me to try on; however, I will have to pay for it. A refund will be issue when I return it. Price was the same as the Wolverine jacket's price. Fine, I paid for it. That was a good idea, but they miswrote my shipping address, and the package spent a whole month in some UPSP warehouse. I called Vanson for them to try to track down the box, and they kept giving me the "what do you want us to do? The PO lost it. it's their fault"

Well, you sent it, so if the PO owns an explanation to someone, it should be to you.

After the PO found the box and delivered it to me, I called Vanson to tell them the jacket was here and well. The lady on the phone kept saying, "it wasn't our fault. The secretary miswrote your address." Uh, the secretary works for you, Vanson. Playing hot-potato with the fault is so unprofessional.

Excuses, excuses. I regret my review not being more positive, for I heard great things about them. Their products might be topnotch, but their disorganized costumer service leaves a lot to wish for. In their defense, I will say the lady taking care of my order is not there anymore.

I called them last week, and they tell me the leather came in. It will be ANOTHER month; however, the dude I talked to didn't sound too reassuring. We will see.
Originally posted by GuntahKela@Jan 28 2006, 09:02 PM
You can call them and ask for all info and a mesauring kit with charts and all. Jacket is about $530.00 plus shipping. Ask for a pricecheck. See their info on their website www.vansonleathers.com
Yeah, I did a product search, they have 3 different ones down prices from $559-about 715
So...how does a LEATHER company not have the LEATHER to make a jacket???... :eek
So what is it they ARE doing???
Originally posted by Funky Jedi@Jan 29 2006, 02:23 AM
So...how does a LEATHER company not have the LEATHER to make a jacket???...  :eek
So what is it they ARE doing???

Is like a bank with no money.

Apparently, they use another kind of leather for the X-men Jacket, and they were out of it. They were taking so long to restock, it seemed they were growing the cows themselves.
Sorry, not trying to ressurect an old thread... but I recently become interested in purchasing one of these "Wolverine" jackets from Vanson and I wanted to know how the final outcome on your order ended up turning out. So, far your story makes me hesistant to even place an order with Vanson.

- J.
I'd like to know the outcome of this as well. If there's anyone else here whose gotten a Vanson, let's see some pics :)
Maybe at this point I'll just wait for MR to come out with Wolverine's X-suit then. Wonder how much that's going to run.... :confused

- J.
Nooooo..... Dammit, where did you hear that Sal? I just saw pix of the suit at Toy-Fair in NY just last February and I was pretty excited to see it was going to be available.

- J.

Originally posted by ~Sal~@Mar 9 2006, 07:58 PM
I heard that suit wasn't going to be released...
I'd like to hear about how your order is going too because I've seriously thought about getting one of these made and wanted to check things out before I made up my mind.

Also, does anyone know about Wolvy's X2 jacket? I know it was made by Bates leather, but I don't know if anyone has looked into having one of those made. Any info on that version would be welcome.
Originally posted by darthgoat@Mar 14 2006, 08:25 AM
I know a couple board members have Bates jackets.  IIRC the jackets were twice the cost of the Vanson ones.

yup...and IMHO didn't look as sharp as the Vanson.
Could you PM me some contact info so that can ask them about pics of the bates? There are certain elements I like about that jacket and certain aspects of the vanson that I like as well. I'd love to see pics of both.
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