Denver Comic Con - 2018


Master Member
Denver Comic Con is next weekend, and I'm super excited!

DCC is starting to garner a bigger draw of celebrities. This year's lineup is one of the strongest in the last few years. There are a lot of Doctor Who cast members coming (although disappointingly, Matt Smith just recently cancelled).

I am particularly excited about David Tennant, who I've been campaigning for for a few years now. Here's the full list of celebrities -

While the agenda for Friday is kinda light, I plan on being there all three days.

Here's my costume lineup.

Anyone else going?

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I'll be there Friday and Saturday, speaking on three different panels. This will be my first DCC and I'm looking forward to it!

Look for this guy:


Cool! Which panels are you on?

Two on Friday: "Going to space today and tomorrow: The Future of Spaceflight" and "Extreme Scientists"

One on Saturday: "Armageddon or Are-Mistaken?"

Hopefully somewhere in between all that I'll get a chance to just hang out and do photos and spend money... :)

Pretty sure I saw you a few times. Were you there all three days in that costume?

My photos are on my FB page here -

I went to some great panels, but the highlight, for me, was the photo op with David Tennant and Billie Piper.

Tennant was so gracious. I asked if he'd pose holding a sonic screwdriver, and he responded that he'd be honored.

He also commented on how "amazing" I looked in my costume, so credit to Indy Magnoli for making such a great 10 costume!

Hope everyone else had a great time!



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Missed it myself.

When are we going to get Adam Savage out to our Comic Con for an incognito appearance?

Come on out Adam! :)
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