Totally new here! Video game props?


New Member
I'm absolutely in love with several champions within League of Legends. One of them (that I intent on building, and cosplaying as) Is Graves. I just wanted to know (to begin with) is it proper to discuss props that weren't actually ever used on screen in a movie or t.v. series? Or that weren't ever made to begin with?
There is a lot of discussion (and builds for that matter) of video game props. Check out Volpin Props and Punished Props chinbeard--two makers (and members here) who have done some fantastic video game builds!
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I am not one of the popular builders, but I'm building a 1/6 scale model of a Titan Atlas from Titanfall. This is a great forum for making all kinds of things and the genres are only limited to what you are interested in. Welcome to the forum. I have learned so much since I joined, and you'll meet some great modelers.
There is a lot of discussion (and builds for that matter) of video game props. Check out @Volpin Props and Punished Props @chinbeard--two makers (and members here) who have done some fantastic video game builds!

Absolutely blew my mind with Volpin 's work. Atleast I know what I want done is more than doable. The question is, how do I go about starting my build :O
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Yeah you can post game replicas in the prop forum. Just off the top of my head there's been props from Skyrim, Mass Effect, Fallout, Legend of Zelda, etc.
I'm currently designing the gun from the Sega CD game Snatcher in Solidworks with the eventual plan to 3D print it.
That's super amaznig :O I wish I had a 3d printer for some of this stuff.

Have you checked around for a local hackerspace/makerspace? I'm printing this off at my local one. Might eventually buy a Flashforge Pro when I get the money togeather.
Have you checked around for a local hackerspace/makerspace? I'm printing this off at my local one. Might eventually buy a Flashforge Pro when I get the money togeather.

Kinda lost my mind with the whole "Hackerspace" idea. There isn't really much of anything around me, however, there turns out to be a hackerspace within 15 minutes of me. Thanks for the heads up! Much appreciated.