Need Guidance for Sword Prop Comission


Active Member
I've just been asked if I can make a Pixelated sword... Has anyone in this forum ever been asked to make a pixelated 3D object? Because I would love to see an example because my mind is drawing a blank here.


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Use layers of 10mm foam, scored with a pen every 10mm to make the pixels. Just add layers and trim and cut along the 10mm score marks. You can use thicker foam,just make the lines the same distance as the thickness to keep the "cube" idea.
Use layers of 10mm foam, scored with a pen every 10mm to make the pixels. Just add layers and trim and cut along the 10mm score marks. You can use thicker foam,just make the lines the same distance as the thickness to keep the "cube" idea.

The idea to use foam never crossed my mind tbh... this is surely the way to go because I can't think of a way to make the same effect with sturdier materials such wood or plastics. -Cheers
The idea to use foam never crossed my mind tbh... this is surely the way to go because I can't think of a way to make the same effect with sturdier materials such wood or plastics. -Cheers

You could probably make it from wood or plastic in much the same way as with foam, it would just take a bit more effort is all.
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