New BadAzz Models Wonderfest Release - "studio" Advanced Raider


Master Member
Holy cow - I'm grinning from ear to ear over this one. Grown from the actual Season 4 model data, in "studio scale"... and so fresh the water hasn't even dried from the soak I gave it! JT-Graphics will be selling this at WF this coming weekend, and I was asked to see how far I can take the test casting for display... MAN I want to light this... must....resist...








Now,now Jason, you know theres no " Studio Scale "
for CGI models !!!! :lol

J/K.... :cool

Oh, and THERE you go taking Rich's COKE CAN
for reference idea and not giving credit !

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I steal everything from everyone, and then I spread forbidden pictures to grandmothers - don't you know that?
The face is different and now echoes the Centurion head - two engines instead of three - it's a design change from the show between season's two and three, or maybe three and four - I imagine they decided to revisit and refine the design since the show was a success, maybe?

how does this differ from the other raider that was offered not that long ago?
Holy cow - I'm grinning from ear to ear over this one. Grown from the actual Season 4 model data, in "studio scale"...

With what machine did they do the growing to achieve such fine detail ?! Insane amount of small detail that I´d say would get lost on standard rp machines !
Oh, and THERE you go taking Rich's COKE CAN
for reference idea and not giving credit !


Now that's lime coke, so he's ok. :lol

As for the model, how much? Holy crap that looks good, it reminds me of the Alien queen.
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