Fallout 76


Sr Member
Just hearing about this now. Can't really find much info other than the teaser trailer.

Anybody know any of the details? Could we really have another Fallout game already???


Still some speculation that this could be a multiplayer game. I sure hope not.

I'm hoping this will be more like New Vegas following Fallout 3. We may have to wait until E3 to find out.

On a side note, I think that Pipboy looks waaaay cooler. Hope there's a Pipboy Edition with that puppy in it. :p
Noticed something neat with Pipboy shown in the trailer. It has a label on the back that looks to read 'Pipboy Model 2000', and has matching(ish) label to the Fallout 1 & 2 Pipboy 2000.

There's clearly other likenesses to the original as well. Pretty sweet.


And the tubes! Really like the design.....Ive heard speculation it might be a fallout shelter type sim but who knows. Definitely excited!

Some guy posted an article claiming to have 'anonymous' sources, which claim this will be an online game. They don't specify what 'online' means, yet they say it won't be an MMO like Skyrim Online. I'm reading that it will have quests and a main story, but will not exactly be like the other Fallout games and will have an online element.

None of this, however, is confirmed. In my opinion, just hear-say right now. I imagine we'll know more soon.
There are a lot of things they could do right here and a lot of things they could do wrong. I have no problem with an optional multi-player mode, but if that's the game, forget it. I just want a good shoot-em-up to lose myself in.
(I kid, Mostly. I like the one in FO4 best so far.)

Really? I'm super diggin' the throwback look. Hell, I hope they do more throwback style items/props. Even the vault suit looks more like the one from Fallout 3. Not so 'fancy pants' like the suit in FO4.

Kinda like how they did the throwback look on the T-51 armor in FO4. I'm just a sucker for the classic I guess. :p
Considering how good Fallout New Vegas was, I have high hopes for this game. I don't need new graphics or gameplay (Other than VR). I just need more story and more cool areas to explore.
There are lots of leaks happening on /r/fo76/.

Source inside bethesda here.
It's open world, improvised weapons and base building centered.
Will feature a scavenger from surface as main character, hence why vault seems empty other than main character in trailer
Co-op but not MMO or Rust-like.
Bethesda are in panic mode at these rumors and want to release further info soon to cut it off.
Expect a leak from a more reputable source soon.
It's based along the interstate in northern virginia.
its still an RPG.
Upgraded Fo4 creation engine.
Will also announce TES title at E3. Can find name if you guys want.
Strong emphasis on building and improvised weapons as opposed to weapon customisation as we saw in 4.
Will come with phone app
IT IS NOT A RUST LIKE. Internal beth. comms seem to be worried that this will lead the hype in the wrong direction.
Voiced protag is back.
6 factions, 3 of which are "notables" that we have seen in previous games, don't know more than that, they're being very tight lipped.
Harold will make appearance, (retcon) as will young first Maxson.
Numerous retcons
laying groundwork for FO5 which is already in the works.
No external mods outside of CC, they're going to try and cut that off at the pass and sell it as a security thing citing stolen content and adult mods.
Inquisitor Peregrinus:

I have too much house stuff to get started on a design, no matter how excited I am for it. That said, may have a breakdown and just have to attack it on some vacation days. My mind is already racing on the detailed images they released in the trailer.

I did send this to Bethesda. Hoping that if they make a new Pip-Boy edition, that they don't go to the same dirt cheap, dollar store quality manufacturer to make the new Pip-Boy edition. I sort of just want to drive over to their offices here and knock on the door and ask who might be in charge of that.

Dear Bethesda/Zenimax:

Way back in Aug 2015: I started a Pip-Boy 3000 Mk IV functional design. While I never completed that build, I still worked hard to make a faithful re-creation as if RobCo had made it today.

When Bethesda announced the Pip-Boy Edition I was excited, but in the end let down by the horrible cheap plastic, and inaccurate design. Later they released the Bluetooth edition, and it was still cheap, and the "functional" aspects were comically bad.

This time I want to see something real. Bethesda: If your thinking about a Pip-Boy edition for Vault 76, please do not go to a toy company and make something cheap. Go to a prop company and get something that looks as good as it should.

If you want help, I live in Austin, and I would be happy to help guide you though a better design that can still be mass manufactured.
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I wonder if it's literally in West Virginia? They chose "Take Me Home, Country Roads" and it mentions that state. We know Bethesda usually sticks to the East Coast. My nephew said Amazon had it for preorder and it said Dec. 2019, which doesn't sound correct. Bethesda has been saying all year that they don't want to announce things until they are close to release. Hopefully the whole game isn't in the vault. I'd probably revolt too if all I could do sports-wise was soccer! That would actually be a hilarious reason for an American vault to have failed because they had a fight over sports!
We won't know anything for sure, including release date until next sunday, but so far the rumors are pointing towards a co-op survival online game. No massive MMO like ESO, thank god, but I'm still hoping the online aspect is either optional or non-intrusive. Last thing I want is seeing other players running around in circle, modded to look like they came out of a manga.
Location wise, things are pointing towards the I66 going towards DC, as the rumors again were talking of being near an interstate and Fallout lore puts Vault 76 not far from DC. The lore also says it's a control vault, meaining no experiments, and it was design to open 20 years after the bombs fell. The pip-boy in the trailer seems to indicate the game takes place 25 years after the bombs fell however. Still, that's like 60 years before the events of Fallout 1, and a couple of centuries before Fallout 4.
Yeah, one thing someone pointed out was the date on the Pipboy is five years after the lore says the vault was set to automatically open. Rumors has it that the timeline would still be after the vault opened up, not during, and that you (the character) are a scavenger and not a vault dweller.

It's true, we won't know much else until Sunday, and I don't wanna buy into the rumors and hype too much.


I have to say, from what very little I've seen so far, I'm actually impressed. Take the Pipboy itself, for instance. It seems someone actually took care to reference the original Pipboy from the first two games. You'll also notice the vault suit we see is a much simpler design, and not some over the top new design. Even the way the vault itself is decorated and laid out seems more authentic.

I'm hoping we see more of this trend as the game unfolds, regardless of how they go about it. I'm not stoked about the prospect of online play, but I'm not totally blown about the possibility either. But regardless, I hope we see more "old school Fallout" stuff and themes.
I have zero interest in an online game. I think they might be underestimating how this will come off with fans because of things like Fallout Shelter. There's going to be a big let down when fans, who were expecting a sequel to F4, see a completely different type of game. I really really wish they had listened to Obsidian asking to do another west coast Fallout.
I have zero interest in an online game. I think they might be underestimating how this will come off with fans because of things like Fallout Shelter. There's going to be a big let down when fans, who were expecting a sequel to F4, see a completely different type of game. I really really wish they had listened to Obsidian asking to do another west coast Fallout.

The 4chan leaker posted a message saying stop worrying about the online element. He claims if you liked New Vegas, you're probably gonna like this.

I'm holding out hope for now. From here, only time will tell.
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