Painting suggestions for what a airsoft gun looks similar to


New Member
I'm working (slowly) on a new custom airsoft rifle, and much like the two airsoft guns I have now for my The Division outfit, I'd like this one to potentially serve double purpose for cosplay use.

Thing is, I'm struggling to recall where I've seen a similar looking gun before.

The gun in question is a Tavor T21 with "eliminator" modifications.


I will be pulling the gun apart for the build, so adding extra items or (some) modifications would be possible.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
you can check out the tavor SAR entry on, scroll through and see if anything jumps out at you as where you've seen it before.
Took a look, didn't see anything that looked familiar. Browsed through some of the Aliens films to see if maybe something jumped out as a possible source, but nothing in particular looked close. Thanks for the suggestion though!
The "Zygote" short from Neill Blomkamp's Oats studio may show a modified Tavor.

There's also a Tavor buried in one of the Major's weapons from the live action Ghost in the Shell movie that just came out.

They also use some unmodified(?) Tavors on the SyFy show Killjoys.


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The rifle at the top remind me of the rifles from "Soldier", although those were based on an AK 47 type rifle, I think.

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