Do these seem familiar to anyone else? (Potential prop found?)


Jr Member
I was doing some window shopping online and found a helmet and sword for sale that look really familiar to me. I can't shake the feeling that I have seen these in some movie. Anyone recognize them?


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Well... It's certainly not from The Eagle, Centurion, The Last Legion or Gladiator.

It looks like a rather fantastical interpretation of an elaborate late Roman helmet, but the fin is a-typical. Also, as there is no liner, I have the suspicion this maybe is a display piece, rather than a wearable prop?

The sword is strange too; it's shaped like a late Spatha (mainly due to the taper of the blade), but has the length of a Gladius, but with a way too small pommel. Which also makes this a fantasy, rather than a historical sword.

To be honest; I have no clue... :confused
Well... It's certainly not from The Eagle, Centurion, The Last Legion or Gladiator.

It looks like a rather fantastical interpretation of an elaborate late Roman helmet, but the fin is a-typical. Also, as there is no liner, I have the suspicion this maybe is a display piece, rather than a wearable prop?

The sword is strange too; it's shaped like a late Spatha (mainly due to the taper of the blade), but has the length of a Gladius, but with a way too small pommel. Which also makes this a fantasy, rather than a historical sword.

To be honest; I have no clue... :confused

Haha I guess sometimes it's easier to know what something isn't! Thanks for the insight. I definitely picked up on some of the inaccuracies, it reminded me of some of the really inaccurate props we see in some of the older B movies from like the 60's. I know movies back then weren't always known for their historical accuracy.
I just had a thought; what material are these? They look like perhaps worbla or some other foam/plastic material, as the helmet appears to be made of a way too thick material to be wearable metal.

If so, they could possibly be from a TV-series like Xena, Hercules or Conan; you know how those dragged anything ancient mediterranean into the mix. I can't recall anything of the like, but I wouldn't discount one or more of these including 'Romans' in their show(s)...
just spit balling.... maybe dracula untold?? i cant remember what the helmets looked like but that was my first thought..
just spit balling.... maybe dracula untold?? i cant remember what the helmets looked like but that was my first thought..
The opposing army had Tukish 'turban' style helmets, made by Weta, and are actually very accurate to original Turkish armour. So definitely not this.
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