Comicpalooza 2015

stuff came up and I won't get to go this year, which sucks,l I had a cool Punisher started and I haven't even told my son when it is because he will be upset we can't go. So please post some pics for me.
stuff came up and I won't get to go this year, which sucks,l I had a cool Punisher started and I haven't even told my son when it is because he will be upset we can't go. So please post some pics for me.

I'll try, but I will forewarn you... I am not a great photographer, nor do I really even think about taking photos when I go places. Maybe I'm just old school that way, but I feel out of the experience if I'm looking at something through the lens of a camera (or through the screen of a smartphone in this case).
I was there all weekend, as per usual. It was huge this year and there were some really great cosplayers and artists there. I ended up telling a lot of people about this forum, on account of the fact that you guys helped me pull off my first costume as Scarlet Spiderman. spiderman.jpg
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