Re: AN M41 Fragmentation bomb - FINISHED


Sr Member
Been out of work for a bit and getting bored. Been trying to stay busy without spending much cash, so I'm making things with stuff I have on hand.

I saw these on a documentary a few weeks back, strapped together in clusters under wing of a plane (forget which model aircraft) and thought they looked interesting and would be relatively easy to do.

Here are a few WIP pics. All basic parts are done, just need to be assembled, detailed and painted

IMG_1139.JPGIMG_1138.JPG  .JPGmain body.jpgIMG_1145.JPG20180924_205820_resized.jpg20180924_205916_resized.jpg20180924_205547_resized.jpg


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Re: AN M41 Fragmentation bomb - WIP

Sorry,it was only the last two attachments in your second post I couldn't see. I see what the real munition looks like, now. You're coming along well. Are you planning on painting it factory fresh or weathered like a UXO.

Re: AN M41 Fragmentation bomb - WIP

Sorry,it was only the last two attachments in your second post I couldn't see. I see what the real munition looks like, now. You're coming along well. Are you planning on painting it factory fresh or weathered like a UXO.


I'm considering one of each.

I had enough materials for 2, and its just as easy to make 2 of each part at the same time. Plus, the grooves on one of them has a few more glitches than the other, so I can hide them by distressing maybe.
Re: AN M41 Fragmentation bomb - WIP

Getting near completion on the clean version. Just have to paint fuze, install and add a few details. Then have to get the stencil for the text


Still have a ways to go on the rusted, unexploded version.


I start by randomly spraying with glue then adding sand. After drying, I'll brush off excess and add more distressing, pitting with dremel and various hand tools before starting the rust paint process

Re: AN M41 Fragmentation bomb - WIP

Well, the clean version is complete except for stenciling
Close up of fuze assembly

Added more sand to unexploded version


Started to add rust primer over entire piece.



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Re: AN M41 Fragmentation bomb - WIP

Got the first coat of iron oxide paint down. I'll let that dry overnight, then add second coat in select areas tomorrow. After that dries, I'll spray with oxidizing agent and let the rusting begin!


Hopefully it will turn out as good as these that I did several years ago


8final helm 2.jpg
Here are the completed pieces. Still have to add stenciling to clean version

Clean and unexploded rusted version comparison

Both Complete.jpg

Detail of tail fin assembly

rust tail Complete.jpg

Detail of rusted fuze

rust fuze Complete.jpg

Completed rust finish

Rust Complete.jpg
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