Matt Holt WIP

Delta 40

New Member
Started work on my cosplay of Matt Holt from Voltron: Legendary Defender today. All I had time to do was cut out the base of the chestplate, the backplate, and the first piece of the jetpack.

I'm going with the armour he wears from "Black Site" onwards, but in combination with his helmet from "Reunion" because I don't look like him and I also really like that helmet.

This costume will (hopefully) be ready before Fan Expo.

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This morning I cut out the top part of the chestplate and the bracers out of some thinner foam I found at the local dollarama.
Living in a small apartment is hindering my progress a little since I cant heat form inside and our balcony is too small to work on. I won't be able to do much on these until I can borrow someone's yard for heat forming.

I might cut out the helmet pieces today if I have time

So I found that if I crouch in the doorway I can in fact heat form on my balcony!
Got the armour pieces formed which is a pretty big load off my mind because I'm new to foam and was very worried. The one bracer needs a bit more work but I'm happy with it for now.

Also sorry if my posts are kind boring, I haven't posted here in like three years and I'm not sure what to say. If anyone's reading this and has some suggestions, I would appreciate that very much!

Got the helmet base templates printed out today (Evil Ted) but didn't have time to cut the pieces or shape them. I'll get to that tomorrow hopefully.

In the meantime, here's a picture of my helper.
Did a trial helmet today (just hot glued it to see if I'm doing it right), and for a first attempt I think it came out ok (if a bit small)! I'm feeling pretty confident for my good one now. I'll modify the pattern a bit so the faceplate fits on there better.

I guess I just have a big head because it slides down over my girlfriend's eyes but I can't fit my head in there without folding my ears and I feel it tighten when I look up :p If it fits her brother we'll use it as the base for his T-60 power armour.

Having trouble with my contact cement, I'm using lepage. I follow the instructions but it won't adhere well at all. Anyone wanna run me through how to use contact cement with EVA foam? I thought I knew.
More progress (can't rotate image :/ )

Sewing machine is currently being serviced so I can't sew the shirt, but I have all the pieces ready to go. Only one month till Fan Expo now and between this and the T-60 power armour I'm getting a little nervous, but I think I can pull through and complete both projects.


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Starting to come together! The shirt is almost done but I forgot it at my sister's house where my sewing machine is before taking these photos.

Chestplate looks reeeeaaaaalll small but it'll look right when my shirt is tucked in and the belt is on.

Got the shirt done! Need to take it in a little bit but I'm pleased with the result. I plan on making different gloves but if I don't end up with time these will do the trick. Also I have better pants but they're not at the apartment right now.





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Got the foam base for the staff holster cut out today, planning on finishing it on Saturday as well as the hood. Also worked on some of the smaller details, such as the chestplate disk and the wrist device that controls his jetpack. The wrist device appears and disappears often it seems but I like it. In the show it's a seperate piece that sits in front of the right bracer but I made them one piece for simplicity.

Anyone reading this going to be at Fan Expo?


Got the foam base for the staff holster cut out today, planning on finishing it on Saturday as well as the hood. Also worked on some of the smaller details, such as the chestplate disk and the wrist device that controls his jetpack. The wrist device appears and disappears often it seems but I like it. In the show it's a seperate piece that sits in front of the right bracer but I made them one piece for simplicity.

Anyone reading this going to be at Fan Expo?



- - - Updated - - -

Didn't mean to post that twice, don't know how to fix. Sorry!
Finally hit that point where it all starts to come together! All that's left is to sew the top part onto the holster, make the boots, make the clip on the scarf thing, and sew the neck seal and gloves.

My hair might be long enough that I could pull it off without the helmet, I'll decided after day one of the con.

Some more progress! Made the clip out of sintra and added some fabric to the scarf. Also sewed the top part of the hoslter on. To address the colour inaccuracy there, it was one of those things where I go into the fabric store thinking "I know what that looks like," and then realize too late that I did not in fact know what it looked like. I'll fix it, but likely after fan expo as it's good enough.
I also got the boots done today.
Almost there!

Got it finished for fan expo! Had a blast, got recognized quite a bit, and met Bex Taylor-Klaus.
A good simple costume that's comfortable to wear. Now on to the next one!
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