Getting a gradual fade with Gold Leaf Foil?


Master Member
So im working on some Power Rangers 2017 coins and having difficulty replicating this particular effect with gold leaf foil adhesive size. Ive determined that used gold leaf foil based on other unfinished coins from the PropStore auction that show foil that hasnt been wiped away on other coins.

I thought it would be as easy as sponging on the oil based size Im using or lightly dry brushing it, but the gold leaf always comes out in chunks instead of the pattern ive brushed on. Do i need to thin out the adhesive with mineral spirits? Do I need to use a different foil?

I'm using quick dry oil based size and imitation gold leaf .8, and double gold leaf .16 24k.

Below is the fading effect I'm trying to get.


And these are my results: As you can see I'm not getting the very fine speckles.



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Put the foil on and then use steel wool along the edge of the leafing to fade it back. You just need to make sure it is super fine SW and that you go very lightly so you don't disturb the surface underneath and only take off small amounts of leafing.
Oh wow that's genius, so its not about the pattern you get with the adhesive, but take it off after the fact. Would you suggest doing that after its fully cured or right after placing it?
What about taking steel wool or even a wire brush to partially remove the gold in those spots? Looking at the auction photos it almost looks like some brush marks in there along the inner edges of the gold.
I knew getting some outside eyes would have the answer, Ill give that a try tonight. I'd imagine varying levels of scotchbrite pad would do the same. That totally makes sense, thanks!! This is why I still love this place!
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Oh wow that's genius, so its not about the pattern you get with the adhesive, but take it off after the fact. Would you suggest doing that after its fully cured or right after placing it?

Let it dry completely. You don't want anything sticking, especially steel wool. Once dry, you can lightly sand and just brush the powder/dust off.
Well I think I’m on the right track, but I either need to use a more coarse steel wool, I used super fine, or try the wire brush. Once the foil has hardened the steel wool didn’t seem to really take much off at all and instead just kind of darkened and faded the edges. I got a better effect when I did it shortly after applying the foil. It’s close!

Going one step up to fine steel wool instead of ultra fine did the trick, took the leaf off in a fine pattern without just dulling or darkening it. Thanks again for the suggestions!

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