Parzival costume thread. Ready Player One

I am working on my Parzival Outfit since 4 weeks now!
makingofz1.JPGBildschirmfoto 2018-05-15 um 18.07.02.pngBildschirmfoto 2018-05-15 um 18.07.11.pngBildschirmfoto 2018-05-15 um 18.07.18.pngBildschirmfoto 2018-05-15 um 18.07.25.png

I made the buckle out of aluminium with a saw and needle files all by hand.. it was a PAIN and took forever! But I like how it came out :) The backside is a black anodized aluminium from a pen box-thing that I totally destroyed to get that black piece plate of aluminium :D (But that cost me only 2 euros ≈ 1,5 dollars). The holster will be made in real leather. I made a han solo cosplay in the past and always wanted to make my holster myself and out of real leather. Now the time has come! :D I´vre ordered an battlestar blaster kit from etsy to go with my cosplay. When it arrived I will wet-forming (dont know if thats the right translation to english?) the holster bag for the blaster to the shape of that blaster. My vest is already done, I made the sword design in adobe illustrator and let it cut and iron on the vest.

More is coming soon! I plan on wearing that outfit with the tattoos airbrushed on face and arms but instead of an wig I want to wear an visor with the stickers and everything..

Sorry for my bad english!

IMG_1611.JPGWIP 2 :)
Sewed my pants but the buckles and blue belts on it are still missing (I am making those out of aluminium and leather)
BUT!!! My Holster is nearly completed ..and it turned out soo good :love I am really proud of how it came out :$ I hope you like it , too. I bought an "Battlestar Galactica Colonial Blaster Kit before I finished the holster so it fits in it. But the resin blaster is a little bit heavy.. maybe buying an 3d printed one? Anyone have any suggestions for an "lite" version of the colonial Blaster? And from where to get one?
Next step is adding the buckle and blue belts to the pants and adding the wings to the shoes :)
What's everyone doing for make up? I'm fairly tan so I'm trying to figure out how to go for the paler look.

Snazaroo - White Clown Makeup

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It's water based White Clown Make up. This must be water based not oil based. When you use it you need to practice the application more water less clown paste. You can have it very light paleish, or you can make it really thick like white on a clown. I've used this stuff for over 20 years. I used this doing a lot of goth make-ups. You use this very lightly, after application then used baby powder to blend if theirs blotches.

If you need help or a video, Let me know and I can make one.

Here is a link to buy it on Amazon:
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Hey People! I have a question!!
I am normally cosplaying starlord and owen grady and in my real life I have a beard, too
So I am searching for ways to color my beard for one day white or silver / grey. Any suggestions?
I believe if your beard is a darker color, then normally you'de have to bleach it white and then add coloring of silver or grey.
I am gonna make a costume fit and make up try without wig and coloring anything. I have dark brown hair. I tried a wig that would be good for parzival but it looks stupid on me :wacko My costume will be VERY accurate when its finished, so I think a little personalization of my "avatar" is okay :D haha!

I hope people can enjoy my costume then, too? I´m a little afraid to do this on that character, because the white/blue hair is so prominent..:confused:wacko

(But it worked already on costumes like "Disney's tangled"-"flynn rider" or an "harry potter" student.. I cosplay everything with my real hair and beard..)


what do you think?


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I am gonna make a costume fit and make up try without wig and coloring anything. I have dark brown hair. I tried a wig that would be good for parzival but it looks stupid on me :wacko My costume will be VERY accurate when its finished, so I think a little personalization of my "avatar" is okay :D haha!

I hope people can enjoy my costume then, too? I´m a little afraid to do this on that character, because the white/blue hair is so prominent..:confused:wacko

(But it worked already on costumes like "Disney's tangled"-"flynn rider" or an "harry potter" student.. I cosplay everything with my real hair and beard..)

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what do you think?

I think the problem with taking such a route with Parzival is that despite the more specialized aspects of his costume (sword crest, holster) his outfit just screams “Regular 80’s Dude). Flynn Ryder’s costume is far more distinctive (and not for nothing, your hair and facial hair isn’t too far off from the source material). Aside from the cloak, the Hogwarts student costume is even a bit nondescript, but you can at least lean into your props as an indicator.

I say go for the wig, but if it’s still not an option for you, at least carry around some distinctive props (Halliday’s egg or the keys perhaps).
I finally found something that shozld look nice! There is a "one day hair color spray which does not cover the whole hair, so the dark hair looks a bit through the silver/white and that fits perfectly the beard. There is also blue available to match some of the spots that are blue at parzivals hair :) cant wait to tray that!!
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