Fallout 4 - T-51b foam Power Armor


Well-Known Member
So after a lot of digging I found that proper pepakura files for this particular armor are rare to say the least, so I figured I might as well make my own 3D model and make templates off of that. I'll be posting progress on both the 3D model and the real life armor here so you guys can follow along.

This wont be 100% accurate to the game model since I'll be taking some liberties with the design to make it a bit more cosplay friendly.
Here's the start of the chest armor that I have so far.


My goal is to make templates that are significantly simpler than what you'd get if you simply unfolded the in-game model, but still retain as much accuracy as possible.
The upper chestplate is pretty much done at this point. Still a ton of parts to do though.


  • t51b_turntable.jpg
    15.5 KB · Views: 250
Nice looking good!

I too have spent a bit of time digging and found the same, i was hoping i could spend this week building the armor so am a little frustrated at the lack.

With the helmet coming with the release i image many people will be looking for the same. I am keen for anything to help get me going
More modelling! Shoulders done. Gonna go for the arms next.
Keep in mind I'm simplifying the design a lot since I'll be freehanding a lot of the detail. For instance, there's no point modelling the lines across the stomach since I'll be making it out of one solid piece and then scoring in the lines later. I also wont be modelling the hands since I'll be making those in Fusion360 and 3D printing them.
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