My ESB YODA "Puppet"

Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

I don't understand? Never even seen an Ant-Semitic Symbol.... Think you might be reading the wrong things into that.
I don’t think he’s trying to put you down or anything, just pointing out that it is something white supremacists use online to symbolize something being controlled by Jewish people as a dog whistle. They’ll say stuff like: I went to the (((bank))) today, and they obviously wouldn’t loan me money. It’s unfortunately the dumb online world we live in now.

Either way, awesome puppet! I love it! Did you sculpt it yourself? I’d love to see how you made it
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

Yeah, I'm not imying he's a racist, just that triple parenthesis have a very unfortunate implications and are a bad choice to emphasize words.
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

My opinion is that you can´t accuse someone of being a racist because he has used a symbology that he didn´t know.
don´t you think?
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

The puppet looks awesome. It's very expressive.

By the way, the reason they called that kind of White Supremacist stuff a dog whistle is that most people don't know about it. If everyone knew about it, it wouldn't be code. Honestly, I never heard that before. The world has gotten so crazy.
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

Great puppet and vid(y) for the parentheses, you or the Mods could do something about it;)
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

That is absolutely stunning.
Any work in progress pics to share?
Would love to see what went into creating this.
And what is future for this puppet?

Just want to add, as far as this parenthesis talk.
I wouldn't change it just off principal.
Dont let this bul$#!+ internet fake virtual world control how you type something.
If you didn't intend for it to have some secret meaning, then leave it.
Does everything have to "mean something" nowadays?
At what point will the word "the" become offensive?
Just my 2¢
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

Context is everything. I'm pretty sure that any reasonable person reading this thread can tell that the OP is not suggesting, anti-semitically, that the puppet prop has a jewish background.

I think the Yoda is extremely cool and its sad that this thread has been derailed with accusations.
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

Context is everything. I'm pretty sure that any reasonable person reading this thread can tell that the OP is not suggesting, anti-semitically, that the puppet prop has a jewish background.

I think the Yoda is extremely cool and its sad that this thread has been derailed with accusations.
I don’t think anyone has accused anybody, just maybe going about trying to inform in the wrong way.
Re: My ESB YODA (((Puppet Prop)))

I don’t think anyone has accused anybody, just maybe going about trying to inform in the wrong way.

He was asked why he used an anti-Semitic symbol around the words "puppet prop". I can't see that as anything other than an accusation. So not cool, especially when it's clearly not used in an anti-Semitic context.
Thanks guys... I've edited the title as I don't want to be thought of as anything I'm not. :)
just FYI, i don't think anyone thought you were racist. i certainly didn't. unless you think that puppets are an integral part of the vast underground conspiracy to control world governments. in which case, right on brother! /s
no one? :confused
Cyberman : In my opinion your yoda should have been the one that appears in TLJ...(maybe in the special edition)
and as a lover of my hobby and of this forum, lucasfilm should have used many of the creations here made :D
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