OG Star Wars Fans Picture Thread - Share 'em if ya got 'em!


Sr Member
Yes, I'm one of those old mofos who was lucky enough to have had his parents bump uglies 5-10 years before STAR WARS premiered. And there's something very cool about retro pics of other fans caught up in the phenomenon back in the day - so if you have some, post 'em up! This is where the obsession began for me...

The first two pics are from the annual "hobby show" that was held at my grammar school. I'm guessing that these are 1979 & 1980, respectively (pre-Empire toy release).



Halloween, 1977 - Me as Han Solo, although there's a lot of "cowboy" in that costume, so you'll have to take my word for it. ;) The real star is my neighbor, Wayne, with the super-legit Vader costume.


Halloween, 1979 - Luke this time - but again with the cowboy gear. :unsure I remember my mom made the tunic and I wore the Hell out of it after Halloween.

I love this stuff (nice table sign!). People make some amazing SW costumes for their kids these days but those early, crude homemade jobs are magic.

Here's another good site if you're feeling nostalgic (has lots of good artwork, too):


Thanks, Bones! Looking through the link I was reminded of another SW item from my past - my 8th birthday cake, circa 1978 (the incorrect quote adds to the charm, IMO):

I love these kinds of threads! The only thing I have been able to find is this photo from fall of 1977. There was a fair at my elementary school and for a fundraiser my Dad drew Star Wars "tattoos" for 25 cents. This is the art board, showing the options, which I saved for a while but is long gone.

Star Wars Tatoos Fall 1978.jpg
matty matt -- the Y-Wing and the Scout blaster? I hate you... In a true grass-is-greener case, a combination of hippy/pacifist parents and generational disconnect, for all that I had, I never got any of the blasters or lightsabers, and of the earlier ships, the one I wanted most (and never got) was the Y-wing. I have one of the later re-pops now, and would saw off limbs if Hasbro did a Legend edition a la their X-Wing, Falcon, and Slave I -- with the scaling and proportions right, a droid socket, etc.

I don't have many pics, and none of them scanned. I'll have to see about that. I've got a couple from Christmases, and one in my Luke-in-flight-gear costume... My pride and joy from the OT period was and is my B-Wing. God, I love that thing.
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Sorry, no photos from me (they're with my Mom in another state. I'll have to make an effort to make copies one of these days).

In either 77 or 78, my friends and I all got knock-off light sabers, like the cheapo Force Beam ones. One of the kids lived in a pretty rural area with woods behind his house. We'd go out there at night and run around like idiots with our glorified flashlights, beating the hell out of those plastic blades. I still remember the way the light would catch on all the little dings and dents along the plastic and how weird it was to see all those disembodied glowing blades moving around in the dark. I can't put into words how much fun that was.
After seeing Star Wars in the theater, that Halloween in 1978 my dad and mom made us costumes. My brother and sister went as Jawas and I went as a Tusken Raider

the head was made from ace bandages wrapped around a hockey goalie mask. we used toilet paper rolls and the cardboard rolls from ribbons for the various eye pieces and everything. part of a breathing mask and burlap sacks for the robes

I though it was awesome, but I wound up getting sick and puking from overheating in that thing :facepalm:lol

The Jawa costumes were burlap sacks with a see through thin black nylon stockings that had two reflectors pinned to them

I sure someone in the family or friends got pics and I would love to find them. Most of our old pics got ruined when the basement flooded
@matty matt -- the Y-Wing and the Scout blaster? I hate you... In a true grass-is-greener case, a combination of hippy/pacifist parents and generational disconnect, for all that I had, I never got any of the blasters or lightsabers, and of the earlier ships, the one I wanted most (and never got) was the Y-wing. I have one of the later re-pops now, and would saw off limbs if Hasbro did a Legend edition a la their X-Wing, Falcon, and Slave I -- with the scaling and proportions right, a droid socket, etc.

I don't have many pics, and none of them scanned. I'll have to see about that. I've got a couple from Christmases, and one in my Luke-in-flight-gear costume... My pride and joy from the OT period was and is my B-Wing. God, I love that thing.

What can I say, I was a very fortunate kid. Of course there was stuff I wanted that I never got, but I can't complain. I still have my B-Wing too. Loved that thing. My kids play with it now.
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