megacon 2018

I had made a "close enough" rifle for my T1 Kyle Reese out of a thoroughly decommissioned spring airsoft before reading about the policy, so that's on me and if I leave it home then so be it. My thing was more a general concern when it comes to how props are frequently made from solid resin/plastic/rubber when I was trying to think of an alternative. I honestly may just bring my Cassian Andor Nerf rifle for convenience sake, or go gunless to avoid any hassle.
So after not being sure about going, was able to just buy my ticket for Sunday. Wish it were on Saturday, but thats more crowded and more money.
I had made a "close enough" rifle for my T1 Kyle Reese out of a thoroughly decommissioned spring airsoft before reading about the policy, so that's on me and if I leave it home then so be it. My thing was more a general concern when it comes to how props are frequently made from solid resin/plastic/rubber when I was trying to think of an alternative. I honestly may just bring my Cassian Andor Nerf rifle for convenience sake, or go gunless to avoid any hassle.
first off sorry for not posting sooner. internet issues.
anyway yeah even volunteer and hes staff are un clear with it.
i will be their all days. i will be a president on late friday and all day Saturday. with a big us flag to. super easy to spot

I appreciate the response, I'm still deciding what I want to do about it. It's my first year attending so I want to be as low maintenance as possible, though I do feel like I'll end up like Ricky Bobby without a prop

"I don't know what to do with my hands"
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Karl Urban cancelled. There are maybe two other panels I would be interested in seeing and they are on different days. I don't think I'm going to pay $40-50 to deal with crowds, marginal (if any) discounts on stuff, and sore feet. I haven't missed one in years.

Have fun folks.

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Woooo, well ... that was a thing that was. Pretty miffed by the parking situation, and the quick fill-up of Goldblum's panel, but aside from that, uh, it was OK. Sure beats staying at home, in the rain, while workmen bang on the house in front of my apartment.

Everybody have a good time? Got any cool pics?
I parked at Destination Parkway for $5 and got shuttled over, pretty low hassle. I took basically zero pictures but I met Zonbi so that was cool!
Lucky you! I got the run-around in a bumper to bumper crawl for about an hour trying to park, and paid $10 for the North parking lot at the con, at what felt like a mile's walk away. Oy.

I got a few pix, and paid for some with me in the JP cars : D

Didn't buy anything except lunch.


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That was fun, didn't rain near as much as I thought it would. But man my feet are sure soar from all the walking. Didn't really take a lot of pictures this year, maybe 5 or 6, and then the phone died anyways.
Bought some artwork, one of a black and white pic of AT-ATs.
One shop had these small posters in plastic, 3 for $25. Found an Agents of Shield from season 3, a Star Wars Episode 1 - 6 collage, and in trying to find a 3rd one, I found The Walking Dead, season 4 to 5ish characters.
I always like to walk in the celebrity area, but I never have the money to go and get a picture with them. But I saw Billy Dee Williams just sitting there about 30 feet away by himself looking at me. My girlfriend is like, wave to him......I got scared and walked away. Figured waving still costs to much. ha Was still really cool to know a character from a beloved movie is that close.
Finally took the time to get the pics off the phone, and take pics of the artwork we bought.

This is a Millennium Falcon car, which my girlfriend cut off and me wearing my RPF shirt that only one person even recognized.

My step son with a guy from Rooster teeth.

My girlfriend, Sandra with some girl.

Sandra really wanted to get a picture with a jedi.

And a giant pickachu.

...and Mr. Ren.

Didn't know she even took this til today when looking at the pics.

So we went to the bathroom....I hear her talking from which she comes out with catwoman.

Heres the art we bought. These are hers. Shes been on a Star Wars kick for a few months now, loves Luke. These are postcard size. They didn't have Han. We went to Joann and bought frames for everything today.


Artist signed these after you bought them.


This one is about a 8x10 print.


This is mine and is small poster size. Once I move, I'll hang it by my display of Walkers I have.


Was the last one I found of this.

Really had to get this one.




Great time, will likely be returning for the 3rd time next year.
The jawa costume my GF was in was very popular, so it was difficult to get many pictures.

On a side note, the award for the rudest behavior during the convention goes to the 501st legion, who found it necessary to scream at the entire crowd of Star Wars cosplayers and enthusiasts standing in the public walk area at the official Megacon SW cosplay meet time, that they were doing a 501st only photo shoot and "everyone else needed to go somewhere else!"
Wow, what a great way to represent your organization to the public and brilliant job scheduling your photo shoot at the same time and place as the official Megacon SW cosplay meet guys.
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