How Do You Make a Good Star Wars Movie?

What I don't understand is how Disney owns both Marvel and Star Wars and the creative team behind the MCU is killing it, yet they can't seem to figure out what to do with Star Wars...
Yeah, I think they needed the Marvel writers to write the WHOLE new trilogy at once.
A small group of clearly defined characters with understandable motivation, exploring their interpersonal relationships, and set against the backdrop of a grand intergalactic conflict. If they last through a series, there must be an emotional arc or some through-line to show they progress as people. That's it. As a matter of fact, barring the last parameter, it's the very same thing that makes the best of the best movies. It's just unfortunate that executing something that allows for that much play and exploration has become a bit of a lost art in the movie business.
True, but the world of Star Wars is SO very vast, that its hard to think it could be messed up......but Disney isn't really doing the best job.
Disney owns both companies, but they run independantly and run their own creative and production. Disney funds and distributes. There’s no brain trust at Disney that lords over both comapnies.

Marvel’s process is that Kevin Fiege is like an editor in chief. He sees the grand picture of where things should go. Individual movies are basically put together in-house by a creative comittee looking at years worth of comics. The have writers in residence who often write the first drafts. Then they find a powerhouse writer/director to come and rewrite the script to their vision and see it through to the end— all while taking notes from Fiege that address the grand plan. Marvel movies all have the exact same formula and rely on said writer/director and top notch casting/talent to make it enough of a spectacle that you either don’t notice or don’t care you’re getting the same story.

Star Wars has a similar exhibiton goal, but, as crazy as it sounds, is still finding their feet. They have a brain trust as well, with Simon Kinberg, Lawrence Kasdan, and a few others on deck to sort of plot out the big movements. From there, thus far, they take their concepts to writer/directors who have indy hits and are of the Star Wars generation. Their plan is not ambitious as Marvel’s. They are doing the sequel trilogy interspersed with Anthology stories. The problem is, they both cater to and alienate the fanbase in a way Marvel doesn’t. Marvel makes their movies out of the “best of” comic storylines. Star Wars is trying to push into the new, but at the same time be precious about their past. The Last Jedi tells us to forget the past and embrace the different, while Rogue One and Solo anchor themselves to classic Star Wars as much as possible. I don’t need to start another debate on the merits of TLJ or any other new SW movie— but whether you love them or hate them, I think we should agree the one thing they aren’t is consistant. Not that they should be doing a shared universe story leading to a big team-up movie— just that on a thematic level, every Marvel movie is the same. That is the Marvel brand, and it’s what makes it seem consistant. Star Wars is just relying on it’s recognition to define it as a brand instead of being consistant with their storytelling.

Anyway, at the end of the day, Fiege runs Marvel, Kennedy runs Lucasfilm, they hire who they want and direct the creative, and Disney is hands off as long as they make their money back (which they have on every single Marvle and SW film to date.)
Fantastic article, not just about The Last Jedi but about teaching in the star wars world as a whole, written by one of my favorite Star Wars commentators. He has a podcast too "Coffee with Kenobi."

I am a teacher, myself, so I love how the author highlighted the very true lessons about teaching found in The Last Jedi and other Star Wars films.

How do you get to be a teacher at the age of 16?
Eliminate all "yes" men or women.
Do not assume someone who had "the touch" long ago still does no matter how great people think they were.
"fan service" should be kept minimal, not an entire plot based on it.
Respect the lore, respect the source materials, respect the original inspirational sources and draw on them often.
MORE practical FX! like Nolan does.
Less crazy flying cameras, we should be mostly observers not roller coaster riders.
Disney take note for episode X. Cut to an opening scene of Billy Dee Williams reprising his role as present day Lando, telling a few funny Han stories around a Sabacc table in a seedy old space port cantina.

Put a vintage alien, like a Rodian or even a Dug in this scene. Hell, maybe even Sebulba. Maybe the Dug card shark cracks wise calling Lando a damn old fool, who does nothing but talk about his loser friend...Han Solo. Lando get's pissed and says..."he's the best friend I ever least the only friend I could ever really trust".

Lando then points to the cardholder that the Dug has been using to cheat. The other players stun the Dug, and take their credits back immediately.

Lando laughs it off heartily but transitions into a somber mood with misty eyes. His mind slowly drifts to Han as he begins another epic tale beginning with Corellia in the early days of the Empire.

Cut to the familiar growl of an old friend. Chewbacca.

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