WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - lots of pics & videos!

Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Thanks, LeClubNerd, Ducati748!


More progress to report! Here is a look at the plan I had for mounting the EVA foam feet on the stilts:

And here is a look at the completed mounting:

And here is a video of my rather annoyed 15yr old testing out the stilts with the newly mounted feet on them!

Feedback and input welcome! :)


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Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

Thinking of just creating two cut-out panels on the inside of the lower leg sections where I'd then have access to strap the wearer's foot/leg into the stilts.

Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

The test video was funny :lol stilts looking cool
Thanks for sharing this,Indie!
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

The test video was funny :lol stilts looking cool
Thanks for sharing this,Indie!

Thank, George. :)

I've never used embedded video on RPF before. I was thinking about doing more of those quick one minute videos showing some of the work as it's happening or as updates. Let me know if they are working ok and if they seem helpful (more so than just images and text I normally post).
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

It runs smooth on my end :thumbsup not necessarily more entertaining than pictures,but a welcome addition :popcorn
Above all it's the unconventional builds I find refreshing.Keep 'em coming!
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

This is just awesome my friend cause I am currently working in something similar, but mine is Mazinger Z, please have a look at it: http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=274884. I am even using your same stilts!

My suit will have a total height little bit lower than yours, 8.2 feet.

Just subscribed to your thread, surely I will be able to learn a lot from your work. At the moment, I am about to complete the head and is getting kind of heavy, around 0.5 kg. Planning to have it supported not only by my head/neck, it will rest too on the inside of the shoulders of Mazinger with a system I think it could work. Just a little bit worried about the stability on the stilts with a "hat" of 0.5 kg on your head (that will not help at all :D)
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

This is just awesome my friend cause I am currently working in something similar, but mine is Mazinger Z, please have a look at it: http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=274884. I am even using your same stilts!

That's an awesome build you've started! You're 100% correct, our plans are nearly identical, so it will be fun to watch and learn from each other! :)

Thanks for sharing!
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Stilt test video!

Made a quick video walk-through of the foot mounting and a more detailed explanation of the lower-leg plan.

Also did a little bit of work on how I'll attach the lower leg to the stilt...

I cut off a few pieces of the stilts that stick out and make mounting it difficult.

Then I cut two slots into the back of the stilt heel and hot-glued velcro strapping to the inside back of the lower leg foam. This should allow me to push the velcro straps through the heel slots and velcro them in place. This will hold the back of the lower leg foam in place.


Then I will also use the belt loop at the top of the stabilizer to attach another velcro strap that will connect the top of the lower leg foam to the stilts.


I know these aren't easy to put into context so I'll try to do another 1 minute video showing how it works. And now that I've got the top and the back, I need to figure out how to attach the front. The stilts rock forward and flex (by design) so I can't really attach the foot or the lower leg to the bottom part of the stilts or they will lose an important stabilizing feature for the wearer.

More soon! :)


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Video walk-through of how the lower leg foam pieces are going to be attached to the stilts.

I had a small set-back last night, as I glued the wrong pieces together and had to re-cut out the other lower leg section and re-do it. :facepalm

If I can get that repaired tonight, I'll be back on track.
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Worked on fixing the errors from the night before and end up doing a bit more of the foot shape.


Here is a video of how the new foot sections look and move.


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Video walk-through of how the lower leg foam pieces are going to be attached to the stilts.


I had a small set-back last night, as I glued the wrong pieces together and had to re-cut out the other lower leg section and re-do it. :facepalm

If I can get that repaired tonight, I'll be back on track.
Sounds like me :)..ive done that multiple times now, you'd think i'd learn. I try to keep all my parts in order.. but when some look so similar. Don't worry mate, you'll be fine :)
Starting off this evening, I had the lower-leg connection points done, but needed to add the final lower-leg panels them.

This is what I had to begin with...

And here are the new panels in place:


Here they are both done.

And here is a quick video of the panels...


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Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Good thinking & good progress,Indie :thumbsup my neighbours wouldn't be happy though if I'd buy a bandsaw :lol

George, I saw you messaged me but I can't even see the message. It keeps saying 'the member has selected not to receive emails'. If you got my last message, I gave you my email address. Feel free to contact me directly with that. :)
Started work on the front gear (that runs from the top of the foot to the front of the lower shin). I decided to make this by cutting a strip of foam and marking out the gear teeth. Then using the bandsaw to cut out the teeth.

That meant so careful use of the band saw...

After I had cut two of these out, I cut the disc-shape center of the gear (I will only need half of the gear as the rest would be 'inside' the lower leg.

Here is the test-fitting of the piece.

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