WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - lots of pics & videos!

Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

The head looks amazing!!!

How are you planing to attach the foam to the stilts?

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Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

This looks incredible already! I can't wait to see more progress! =D
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Mocked-up a giant robot foot in paper... Not exactly the final shape I want, but it works to get scale. :)


Now, before I started the foam creating... I finally broke down and bought at bandsaw. It's AWESOME! Everyone should own one! lol

Great cuts and easy angles! Here is a quick video of what I love about it...
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OoXT6Q9oxc" target="_blank">


I had started with a very rough paper template... but that wasn't very screen-accurate.

Using a lot of screen-references, I created a more accurate foam model of the foot-print. The hole in this is for the stilt foot-pad.

After getting the footprint done, I build the lower ridge for each foot...

I've gotten as far as the front toe-box of the feet done. I'll tackle the back of the foot next!




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Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Good thinking & good progress,Indie :thumbsup my neighbours wouldn't be happy though if I'd buy a bandsaw :lol
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Planning the same thing as you for December 2017. Going zentai suit. Like this guy http://www.facebook.com/pg/Steves-Costume-Design-632904030064158/photos/?ref=page_internal
Pic are awesome.

Steve's builds (including his Iron Giant) are awesome! :)

I considered the zentai suit option when roughing up designs, but decided to try and get as much of my wearer's body INSIDE the costume for my build. The downside of this, is that the physical shape of the Iron Giant had to be modified in order for a human to fit inside... There are definitely pros and cons to both approaches.

This costume hasn't been done much, so I'm glad to hear someone else from RPF is taking it on! Share you build thread link here when you start it so I can subscribe. I'll try to add design ideas and other solutions I've come up with here. Hopefully, with both of us building this beast, we can learn how to solve some of the more complicated bits together!
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Got a bit more done on the feet and lower legs.

Started on the back of the feet.

...Then I added this to the feet.

and here is what this looks like on the stilt...

At this point, I really need to get the lower leg roughed out, before I can finish the ankle area (where the foot and lower leg connect). Here is how that section is going...


Now I just need to figure out how to close this lower leg section while allowing access for my wearer to get into the stilts. I'm thinking of building in a panel that attaches with rare earth magnets on the inside of each lower leg.


Today, I'll be trying to engineer the connection of the feet to the stilts. I'm thinking of using an Aluminum plate on the bottom of the foot that I can bolt (and unbolt) this to the stilts. That should secure it, but allow me to remove the feet and use the stilts for future builds. More on that soon! :)
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Now I just need to figure out how to close this lower leg section while allowing access for my wearer to get into the stilts. I'm thinking of building in a panel that attaches with rare earth magnets on the inside of each lower leg.
That sounds like a fine plan
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Unbelievable as it is, not much Iron Giant made. I see you've gone drywall stilts style, for my part, just made some stilts for fun and will be using them ( juggler style ).
I will keep an eye on you :p
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Great work so far.

I'm going to suggest a couple of things that will make you experience in costume way more pleasant:

1 - Move where the stilt sits towards the heel of the foam foot. You want the heel of the stilt to strike the ground first not the foam.
2 - Hinge the toes. The toes need to get out of the way or flex enough such that your weight is on the stilt as you step forward

Both of these will allow you to take normal(ish) strides. If you can't do this, walking will be awkward and/or you might damage the foot.

Foot Pivot.jpg

Alternatively you can look at replacing the bottom plate on the stilts with a longer/wider version. However a longer/wider foot has its own drawback; less stability on uneven ground (Small rocks, sloped floors, carpet lips.)

If you can't do any of the above, at the very least, I would ensure that the foot "floats" around the stilt such that if you do step on something uneven its not going to topple you over.
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Great work so far.

I'm going to suggest a couple of things that will make you experience in costume way more pleasant:

1 - Move where the stilt sits towards the heel of the foam foot. You want the heel of the stilt to strike the ground first not the foam.
2 - Hinge the toes. The toes need to get out of the way or flex enough such that your weight is on the stilt as you step forward

Both of these will allow you to take normal(ish) strides. If you can't do this, walking will be awkward and/or you might damage the foot.

View attachment 732509

Alternatively you can look at replacing the bottom plate on the stilts with a longer/wider version. However a longer/wider foot has its own drawback; less stability on uneven ground (Small rocks, sloped floors, carpet lips.)

If you can't do any of the above, at the very least, I would ensure that the foot "floats" around the stilt such that if you do step on something uneven its not going to topple you over.

Great input – much appreciated! :)

I have designed the costume foot to ‘float’ about 1” off the ground. The stilt’s foot pad passes through the sole of the foot and definitely is MUCH close to the heel of the costume footprint for the reasons you mentioned.

The one BIG point you mentioned that I haven’t addressed—but need to—is the hinged toe box. That’s something I must figure out. I’ve been toying around with a few ideas but haven’t solved it yet.

Thanks for your comments and info. :thumbsup
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

Great input – much appreciated! :)

I have designed the costume foot to ‘float’ about 1” off the ground. The stilt’s foot pad passes through the sole of the foot and definitely is MUCH close to the heel of the costume footprint for the reasons you mentioned.

The one BIG point you mentioned that I haven’t addressed—but need to—is the hinged toe box. That’s something I must figure out. I’ve been toying around with a few ideas but haven’t solved it yet.

Thanks for your comments and info. :thumbsup
I used garden irrigation hose for the toe spring on my Rein, it has plenty of flex but is soft and easy to work with, plus there are normally lots of cheap connectors to make the bends from that make the spring part.
Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

LeClubNerd, Ducati748

I made a quick video showing the current flex the ball of the costume foot has. Would love your input as it is now. I'm sorta hoping this might be enough bend to help the wearer walk without me having to tear this up too much and make it flex more. :)

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Re: WIP - 9ft Tall Iron Giant Costume - Lots of pics

I made a quick video showing the current flex the ball of the costume foot has. Would love your input as it is now. I'm sorta hoping this might be enough bend to help the wearer walk without me having to tear this up too much and make it flex more. :)


That looks really good. I would suspect that's going to give your more than adequate range of motion. I would suggest that you get the foot attached to the stilt and take them for a stroll and see how they feel.
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