Brain Candy Live- Adam Savage is heading out on the road again!!

Thanks so much for this Adam.
When I found out about the show I was pumped. You've always been one of my biggest influences. I wasn't even sure I'd be able to go since finances are so tight with having just moved.

It's actually kind of funny, during Random Acts of Intelligence, one of the big questions were if any other people were considered for the show, like you or Michael. It's awesome that you guys ended up having your own live show.

Hope I get a chance to say hi and thanks personally!
Hey asavage I have been trying to tweet you, but I was curious if there would be any meet ups along the way? I have a cool little gift I think you'd love. I will be attending the show on March 18th in Florida for reference!


Hey all! Our tour is just about to start, and my touring partners have alerted me that I've used up almost all my comps. I'm out. I'm sorry to pull the plug on future comps on this tour, but for those who are on the list, I'll see you on the road!

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A huge thank you to you Adam! This night was a truly unique experience for us. Way more than we were expecting. Good luck on the rest of your tour. It is a great show!


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My brother and I are going to your show in Little Rock, Arkansas. We can't wait, you've been a real inspiration to both of us.
What a GREAT evening! My wife and I had a wonderful time. Thank you Adam for the tickets. It truly was a magical night. Best of luck with the tour.
Everyone looks like they are having such a good time, I'm gonna have to break down and buy tickets to this thing! What age group would you say the how is geared towards?
Everyone looks like they are having such a good time, I'm gonna have to break down and buy tickets to this thing! What age group would you say the how is geared towards?

My son is 7 and the show was really great for him. Some of the information was a little over his head - but felt that was a good thing. I have a 4 year old and he wouldn't have paid attention long enough.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This was fantastic, and all the good things people have said are true :D
asavage Thanks for everything you do!

-Mike J.


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Adam, thanks again for the tickets. Really enjoyed the Orlando show. Following Michael's example I might finally be able to juggle. Also, I have no need for one but I really want one of those vintage fog machines.
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