WestWorld - Juliet Photo - William/Logan/Abernathy


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  • westworldFinal.jpg
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It's a stock photo of the model Claire Unabia. The original licensed photo can be found at Getty, but it's been modified for use in the show.
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The link to the original stock photo doesnt work. What all did you have to change to make your version? Only thing that really jumps out to me is that the blues are more brown/grey in the screen cap. Interesting that they used a random licensed photo for the show.
Sorry, been busy dealing with a homophobic message sent by a member to my eBay account. I have to deal with that! I have some updates soon!
@JoeRalat, buddy I already have a paper prop post, maybe you've see it. You've got to change the blue scarf and pullover.

Sweet, did u start on the aged version? Message me on Facebook when u have a sec, so I can show u what I have. Working on the milk can too!
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