Sourcing a 12th Doctor costume


Well-Known Member
I get told that I bear a good resemblance to Peter Capaldi by everyone that knows me, more so when I haven't tamed my hair down with a brush.
After looking at the costume and I have decided to try and put one together.

So far I have the Coat, boots, Ray bans (knockoff's) and sonic screwdriver, this looks like it will need updating after the Christmas episodes though?

I need a good cheapish alternative for the trouser and black waistcoat (and the colours that I should actually be looking for), I have lost count of how many waistcoats I have looked at on the bay.

As the bits and pieces arrive I will post pictures and sources.

Forgot to add in the image of the version I am aiming for....

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I was just thinking the sources are good for multiple purchase so I don't think I am breaking any rule by posting them, am I?

The coat I have purchased is coming from

The boots while not Afflecks I think they will work well I got them from here...
If your are going for that same outfit being from series 9 it wasn't the Afflecks anyway, it was the Loakes but those are the best alts for the boots as I understand it and look a lot like both of them. I bought a pair but ended up getting a good price on the Loakes immediately after so I still have both until I sell them. The actual trousers were Paul Smith but Topman made a good alt(what I currently have), though it's probably just as hard to find now...should be able to find a passable alt for them in the dark blue/navy. Was thinking the were just a slim fit navy with the turned up bottoms. I hadn't looked extensively for a ready made vest but had played around making on on the tailor 4 less site which lets you even specify the red back separately as it had the same red patterned fabric on the back as the jacket lining but the pockets don't appear to be slanted downward like Capaldi's :(. The color was a dark blue, darker than the first jacket since they were made later.

There is a comparison of the two colors here:
Well all my stuff has now arrived and I eventually got to try it on for five minutes.
Please excuse the setting for now I will get some good daylight shots when I get the chance.
I will also post where I got everything and how much it all cost. shhh!, Don't tell the Missus.

What do you think?


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Thank you Skippy. :)

Does anyone else feel like a big kid, in a good way, when they dress up?
I hope that we have a dress up day at work (Children's hospital) so I can wear it properly.

I will do a breakdown and review of all the clothing and bits soon.
I must say, this has got to be one of the best 12th Doctor costumes I've ever seen. Not only do all the pieces work in terms of being SA enough to look the part, but you bear a striking enough resemblance to Peter Capaldi to really sell the costume!

The only thing that looks a little different to the original costume is that your trousers don't quite have the same "extreme" taper on them that Capaldi's trousers do, but that's just a tiny, minor detail.

All in all, I'm dead impressed by this. Keep up the good work!

You look like you could've just strolled into the BBC costume department and said "I'd like my costume, please" XD

Seriously, great job! Love it all
Oh you guys!.
You've made me grin from ear to ear with your compliments, thank you.
I'm so tempted to use "I'd like my costume, please" as a signature line.

The trousers were probably my second biggest disappointment, the jacket lining being the biggest but more on that in another post to come though.
I'm hoping to get a local seamstress to have a look at tapering them for me, must chat with her soon.
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