
I binge watched. LOVED IT. The season plays like a novel with each episode being a chapter. The writing is much better without the commercial breaks.

I feel the show is much better on netflix. So glad it got picked up.
oddly enough i just happen to live in the town that the whole series is based on.
Buffalo, Wyoming. population 4,000

the writer of the books is from here and every year since the shows started they hold "LONGMIRE DAYS" here in town during the summer time.
the town is then named durant and all the actors from the show come down and hang out.

i've been lucky enough to hang out with katee sackoff on quite a few occasions and she knows me by name now.

here's a video some one put out back in the 2013 longmire days on youtube:

it's pretty easy for me to get things signed and i can get the Rainier beer right down the street that @Sundowner was talking about...i just don't know the protocol on how to ship something like that in the mail....although i probably could get empty cans all day long and sell them for dirt in the junk yard lol
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oddly enough i just happen to live in the town that the whole series is based on.
Buffalo, Wyoming. population 4,000

the writer of the books is from here and every year since the shows started they hold "LONGMIRE DAYS" here in town during the summer time.
the town is then named durant and all the actors from the show come down and hang out.

i've been lucky enough to hang out with katee sackoff on quite a few occasions and she knows me by name now.

here's a video some one put out back in the 2013 longmire days on youtube

it's pretty easy for me to get things signed and i can get the Rainier beer right down the street that @Sundowner was talking about...i just don't know the protocol on how to ship something like that in the mail....although i probably could get empty cans all day long and sell them for dirt in the junk yard lol

Man I am mega jealous! That is so awesome! So the Rainier Beer is for a basket I'm making my girlfriend for our 2nd anniversary. I'm filling it with mementos from our time together and Longmire was the first show BOTH of us really enjoy together. So that's why I have been trying to pick up that beer.

Do folks travel to take part in Longmire days?
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yeah it's pretty crazy...people from all over the world have been showing up.
it started off with just craig johnson (the writer) and robert taylor (walt longmire) hanging outside the "Busybee" restaurant on main street signing autographs.
(and yes the busybee is a real restaurant that's been here since the 1940's.)
then it suddenly grew over time and now thousands of people show up.
the first time the whole cast of the show came was really cool because it was a small gathering of people.....they had a street dance on main street and all the actors hung out all night just talking to people.
kattee signed the head of one of my newest hoodies and we hung out on the main street bridge for like 2 hours just talking about random stuff and eating pulled pork burritos. it was pretty surreal for me. i kept calling her starbuck just to mess with her...but she thought it was funny. oddly enough every one was there to see walt so i was left alone with katee. now it's not so much the case that it has gotten bigger over time.

if there's things from the show i can help you find let me know....as i'm sure you'd like to get them straight from the source.
i'll go dig around town today and see what i can come up with.

Man I am mega jealous! That is so awesome! So the Rainier Beer is for a basket I'm making my girlfriend for our 2nd anniversary. I'm filling it with mementos from our time together and Longmire was the first show BOTH of us really enjoy together. So that's why I have been trying to pick up that beer.

Do folks travel to take part in Longmire days?
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I'm definitely going to have to get over to Buffalo for Longmire Days! That is way too cool. I had no idea that was even a real beer. It doesn't seem to be available in michigan either, so my first taste might have to be at Longmire Days. :)

Thank you for sharing that video and your stories. Katie seems like a pretty cool person.
yeah it's pretty crazy...people from all over the world have been showing up.
it started off with just craig johnson (the writer) and robert taylor (walt longmire) hanging outside the "Busybee" restaurant on main street signing autographs.
(and yes the busybee is a real restaurant that's been here since the 1940's.)
then it suddenly grew over time and now thousands of people show up.
the first time the whole cast of the show came was really cool because it was a small gathering of people.....they had a street dance on main street and all the actors hung out all night just talking to people.
kattee signed the head of one of my newest hoodies and we hung out on the main street bridge for like 2 hours just talking about random stuff and eating pulled pork burritos. it was pretty surreal for me. i kept calling here starbuck just to mess with her...but she thought it was funny. oddly enough every one was there to see walt so i was left alone with katee. now it's not so much the case that it has gotten bigger over time.

if there's things from the show i can help you find let me know....as i'm sure you'd like to get them straight from the source.
i'll go dig around town today and see what i can come up with.

Wow, now thats a fan experience that money can't buy! So cool!

Anything you can help with would be great! Also I looked into shipping brews and its perfectly legal. I would happily compensate you for the Rainier, shipping and your time if you were to ship me some. I'm 30 by the way hahaha :cheers Thanks for your help!
yeah i can get you guys the beer if you want it.
i can also get bumper stickers, tshirts , hats, red pony hot sauce what ever you want.
i just saw "walt white" wine and also "red pony" wine while looking for rainier.

the best though is.....i went and saw a buddy of mine named hue he's a pretty famous sculptor. his gallery on main street is one of the few places where you can buy nice signed hardback first editions of the books....even the author craig johnson goes there to pick up the books for his friends.
hue told me craig shows up 3 times a month to sign all the books.

if your interested in that pm me.

if you guys ever wanted to hang out with the cast and have a good time...this is defiantly the place to do it!

i mean dang....if you wanted to see katee sackoff at a comic con you'd be waiting in line for hours but here she'll just be hanging out on the street wondering around.

also something i thought you might get a kick out of.
last year the firg did a 2 hour free jazz concert right in the middle of town..he's pretty good check it out!
fast forward to 1:16

I'm definitely going to have to get over to Buffalo for Longmire Days! That is way too cool. I had no idea that was even a real beer. It doesn't seem to be available in michigan either, so my first taste might have to be at Longmire Days. :)

Thank you for sharing that video and your stories. Katie seems like a pretty cool person.

Wow, now thats a fan experience that money can't buy! So cool!

Anything you can help with would be great! Also I looked into shipping brews and its perfectly legal. I would happily compensate you for the Rainier, shipping and your time if you were to ship me some. I'm 30 by the way hahaha :cheers Thanks for your help!
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Who knew Ferg was so talented! Hahaha! Well i know my girlfriend and I will be visiting Boulder next year around that time so hopefully we can make a pit stop to Longmire days. Heck that's worth the taking a few more days off to visit.

I'll PM you ultraman, you're awesome!
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Aaaaah! An excellent reason to revisit Colorado, but only discovered after my perfect excuse is gone (my brother used to attend CU Boulder).
picked up a couple goodies for @Sundowner today!
got red pony wine and the newest longmire book..."dry bones" signed by craig johnson the author!

redpony1.JPG redpony2.JPG dirtybones1.JPG dirtybones2.JPG

the book just came out a couple months ago.....going to pick up rainier beer next.

picked up a couple goodies for @Sundowner today!
got red pony wine and the newest longmire book..."dry bones" signed by craig johnson the author!

the book just came out a couple months ago.....going to pick up rainier beer next.


Ultra YOU ARE AWESOME!!! My girlfriend is going to flip when she gets these!
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