My Star Lord build for Halloween 2014


New Member
Here's a bunch of pics from my Star Lord build. It was my first time doing any sort of cosplay like this, and I was very happy how it turned out. I got a lot of compliments on it, and it was a fun two nights of bar hopping and parties.

First off, here's the individual pieces of the outfit...

Here's my helmet. For the front part of the helmet, I used the Disguise brand plastic mask, and then built the rest of the helmet with EVA foam, and then painted it with Rustoleum's metallic spray paints. I hit everything with plasti-dip first and then used Flat Soft Iron for the base, Flat Antique Nickel for the lighter parts, and Pure Gold for the gold colored areas. I used EL Wire and some red mesh for the eyes. The mask was no hard to see out of at all. The only thing I didn't get done in time for Halloween was the hoses on the side of the mask.


For the belt I cut up and old leather jacket and then hand stitched it. I made the buckle and D-rings from EVA foam. I bent a metal cloths hanger and embedded it inside the foam D-rings to give them a little more structural durability. The walkman is made from foam and cardstock. I recessed the tape area and put a layer of clear plastic there, to give it a little bit more of a 3D view. the headphones are a pair of Yamaha headphones I found on Amazon. I sprayed the foam ear pads with plasti-dip and orange spray paint.


For the boots, I started with some 15" high rubber work boots from Mills Fleet Farm. I then used some EVA foam to bring them up to 18" in height and glued on some spats made from vinyl and more leather from the old leather jacket. The rocket packs are made from PVC pipe and EVA foam. The rocket packs are permanently bolted to the sides of the boots. I used two flat headed carriage bolts for each rocket pack. The had of the bolt is inside the boot with a good sized washer. The bolt shafts stick outside the boots, and fit into two holes drilled in each rocket pack. I then filled the holes with gorilla glue and slid the rocket packs onto the bolt shafts, creating an epoxy anchor attachment. If I had had more time I would have liked to have made them detachable, but I was rushing and did the boots entirely during the day on Friday. I put a disposable LED in the bottoms of the rocket packs, just to add a little more glow to the costume. The LEDs are always on and last about six hours before I need to pull them out and toss them.


For pants I went with some slim fit dark blue/grayish twill cargo pants the I found on Amazon. The holster pads attach with snaps at the top and then hang freely. I used the cell phone clip method to hang the blasters, reinforced with some additional foam. The rocket controls are glued to the pants. In retrospect, I should have made the rocket controls attach with snaps, too, so that I could take them off when i need to wash the pants. Oh well. Luckily I don't sweat much.


The blasters are the Nerf guns, repainted. The repainting was kind of a rush job, so I didn't have time to repaint the orange triggers, but they were definitely good enough for Halloween.


I bought the Cosplaysky trench coat, which I was very happy with, however I didn't like the they forearm armor that came with it, so I made my own from EVA foam and more of the old leather. It attaches with some velcro straps, and I had no problems with it staying in place all night. For gloves, I wanted something fingerless, since I wanted to be able to easily handle my phone and drinks while out bar hopping, so I made up some armored gloves that matched the style of the forearm armor. They're not even close to movie accurate, but I put the Ravager symbol on the gloves, just to give them a little bit of an in-universe tie in.


For the sling bag, I was working on sewing a movie accurate one, but I only got about 75% done with it before running out of time. Instead I just grabbed a bag I had laying around, put a parachute buckle and some studs on the strap, and stuffed the a Rocket Raccoon doll from Toys R Us into the bag. It ended up looking decent, and having Rocket riding around on my back got a lot of comments.

And here's some shots of it all put together...



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Looks good. I didn't do anything for the gloves and kind of wish I had. I also used EL wire for my foam helmet and went a little overboard...I can't see out of it. Congrats on your first build, and welcome to the sickness!
Looks good. I didn't do anything for the gloves and kind of wish I had. I also used EL wire for my foam helmet and went a little overboard...I can't see out of it. Congrats on your first build, and welcome to the sickness!

For the EL wire, put a ring a foam behind the wire that shields as much of the light as possible from going back towards your eyes. I had no problem seeing at all when I did that, expect for in extremely dark locations. I wore the mask a ton in quite a few dance clubs, though, and could see fine despite the lower level of lighting there. Also, I didn't use glass or plastic lenses in mine. I just used red mesh, which might have helped minimize the amount of light being reflected back into my eyes. Having the eyes illuminated definitely got me a lot of positive comments.
Also, I didn't use glass or plastic lenses in mine. I just used red mesh, which might have helped minimize the amount of light being reflected back into my eyes. Having the eyes illuminated definitely got me a lot of positive comments.
Yeah, too late. I used two red pieces of plastic that I cut from a pencil box. I have until May to get it corrected, but I don't think many people noticed the helmet this past weekend because I was carrying it more than I was wearing it.
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