Riddick Goggles (TCOR)

Hi Wonderboy.
I'd like to know if you're selling a replica of this beautiful item.
Would you please send me a PM?


did you find someone to buy the goggles from because im looking myself,
please can someone point me in the right direction to buy a pair of the epic goggles
I think the bigger thing to look at before resurrecting a dead post is more so how active the person you're trying to contact is. If the person is still active they might get a notification when the thread is posted on, though it's more likely that they'll get an email when you send them a PM, making that a better option. The PROBLEM is that no one seems to look at the poster's stats to see when their last post was. wonderboy hasn't posted anything since Jan 22, 2011. I figure he's not checking this thread anymore, and may not be caring about the project. But try to contact him other more reliable ways, like emails or even PMs, since they automatically send emails, as replies to a thread only send an email if they are "watching" it.
Hello everybody;

I´m still having my daily dose of RPF, don´t worry.I reply to all PM´s a.s.a.p.
Concerning the replica goggles I still have copies.
I´m not selling through E-Bay.
Kind regards,

I just purchased these from Fernando and they are perfect!! Extremely accurate and very well made. They fit perfectly and can be adjusted if needed. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I still have a lot of work to do on with my costume, but here are a couple pics of the goggles.


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I just purchased these from Fernando and they are perfect!! Extremely accurate and very well made. They fit perfectly and can be adjusted if needed. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I still have a lot of work to do on with my costume, but here are a couple pics of the goggles.

Those look great, and you make an awesome Riddick :thumbsup :cool
Great job! You look like Riddick! I love the movies, so I made my own Riddick Goggles. I worked REALLY hard on these! I made them out of Polyurethane rubber. I made two different kinds of Goggles. One is from Pitch Black, with the elastic head strap. The other is from Chronicles of Riddick, which has the rubber head strap. The Pitch Black style goggles are fully adjustable, one size fits all. The Chronicles of Riddick rubber head strap can be fixed to a person's head size.

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I just purchased these from Fernando and they are perfect!! Extremely accurate and very well made. They fit perfectly and can be adjusted if needed. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I still have a lot of work to do on with my costume, but here are a couple pics of the goggles.

Awesome costume! By chance, did you find any awesome contact lenses to go with your setup? I'm hoping to find some affordable mirror lenses to complete my costume, but I'm not sure which options are good
Awesome costume! By chance, did you find any awesome contact lenses to go with your setup? I'm hoping to find some affordable mirror lenses to complete my costume, but I'm not sure which options are good

Thanks. I found some contacts, but they are not affordable. They are $500. I still need to get my eyes measured for a prescription. Most contact places need that.
I just purchased these from Fernando and they are perfect!! Extremely accurate and very well made. They fit perfectly and can be adjusted if needed. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I still have a lot of work to do on with my costume, but here are a couple pics of the goggles.

Whats he Sell a pair for?
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