Yoda pics?

I am looking for pics of Yoda so I can do a ESB head sculpt. I checked through the treads but didn't find many. I would like shots of front,back and sides if anyone can help. Thanks
heres some basic screen grabs i took a while ago to work on mine













I am looking for pics of Yoda so I can do a ESB head sculpt. I checked through the treads but didn't find many. I would like shots of front,back and sides if anyone can help. Thanks
here is some I took at the MOM exhibit






I hope this helps
Thanks for the HD post defstartrooper

I still don't have wookiegroomers HD empire :(

God, I want it soo bad!!!! Someone sent me a link to a torrent for it, but I just can't give up that time to download it. Wish some one would offer a two DVD set of it without any compression used on the WM files.

I need my PC with all it's resources at all times to do the 3d stuff I do, so waiting 3 days on the torrent and leasing my resources. Isn't possible for me.

I've been working on a 3d copy of Yoda for ages now teaching myself the program through this sculpt.

DB73 images have an aspect ratio issue that makes them look wrong.

What's really urking me right now with my sculpt attempt- is the eyes true size.

Even using the measurements listed in the Yoda Eye Thread here dedicated to the subject- It's not giving up accurate results that match the eye's look in the film. I've tried tons of things to fix this.

I wish images of the actual eyes would leak.

I think the pupil & iris are painted on both the original eyes in an odd uneven/uncentered way.
It's not like they were made on a PC. But the milling'lathe work done to make the resin eyes should have been pretty accurate as far as spherical roundness goes.

The spherical curvature of my eyes look too pronounced in contrast to the film's eyes. I hope it's a size issue and not a spherical curvature issue. In 3d programs, 3d spheres have a perfectly spherical curvature.

I've played around with the pupil/iris location and everything to try to get it right, and it's driving me nuts.

There is a much nicer looking original latex Yoda puppet in Astoria, New York at the "Museum Of The Moving Image"

I think Stuart Freeborn Donated it to them.

The latex eyes lower lids are droopy on it, cause well it's an original latex casting from the Empire time period, and age has hit it up a little.

At anyrate- You can see the original eye shape better. But I've only seen a few images of it online and I don't live anywhere near NY.

If I did I would go there so fast, and take tons of images of his eyes and blissl and cane and face.
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Dude you can't be using your PC when you're asleep :lol just stop the D/L when you want to use the PC and start it when you go to bed.
Dude you can't be using your PC when you're asleep :lol just stop the D/L when you want to use the PC and start it when you go to bed.

This is true... Now I feel dumb, slightly, but then again given how much money I chunked into this PC of Terror. I don't leave it plugged in when I'm not on it. The only Luck I know is Bad Luck.

Heres my setup:
8 gigs ram
gtx8800 graphics card
pentium quad Q6600
350 gig harddrive.

Cost me just under 4 grand to build it.

I saw a pentium quad q6600, 3 gigs ram, 500 gig harddrive and cheap graphics card for $599 on dell.

Got slightly upset to see how quickly price drops happen on PC's.

Don't want to hijack the thread. Just explaining my disposition a bit.
It should be ok leaving it overnight for a few nights i leave my old heap running 24/7 i'm not going to list the specs too embarrasing :lol