yes... another war machine WIP

the dark knight

New Member
ok, so here we go. a few weeks ago i started with the pep files from dungbeetle for the war machine helmet. you all know the process on glassing the pep, so lets skip that step. ive started smoothing out the face plate, and working on the jaw of the helmet right now. i cut the helmet in half and made it 1/8 inch wider for that squatty look that war machine has over iron man.



sorry, first post was miss worded. lol, im using war machine files for the body and converting an ironman pep for the helmet. just one of those see if i can convert it projects. so far, ive done more to it tonight, its starting to get there.
thanks TMP! red rabbit, hooked you up on the SIWDAT.

more done today! ive built up the jaw, smoothed out 80% of the face plate. enjoy!




(sorry for the first one being blurry....)
to make a recess. however.... i sadly have to report that this helmet fell to the floor this after noon..... very upset. however, i cut off the destroyed face plate and jaw and am starting over....
yea it is! my day job is working on cars. whenever i pull a bad motor out of a car, i take the camshafts out and make helmet stands. cheep and they look ok, with some clear coat to prevent rust. i got the new face plate on, and am fiberglassing it now. thinking of keeping the messed up one as a battle damaged piece.....
im going to attack war machine this weekend! stay tuned troops!

I highly reccomend you track down the sharkhead/nobody warmachine helmet pdo...its already separated into 3 sections and the model is amazing. If you need any pieces that are a bit more movie accurate, don't hesitate to pm me.

Search for the sharhead/ nobody helmet.
I highly reccomend you track down the sharkhead/nobody warmachine helmet pdo...its already separated into 3 sections and the model is amazing. If you need any pieces that are a bit more movie accurate, don't hesitate to pm me.

Search for the sharhead/ nobody helmet.

Or wait for Sharkhead to release his new, MORE accurate, SUPER-HD helm that he's hinted at. :p

To wait for that helm or not to wait, that is the question.

Heheh, yeah, hopefully I can get meh buddy to unfold it for me when I finish the tweaking...
Sad to hear about the helmet dropping, that's the only problem with trying to sculpt over a piece with bondo, it's more brittle than resin. It's happened to me before. =/
Heheh, yeah, hopefully I can get meh buddy to unfold it for me when I finish the tweaking...
Sad to hear about the helmet dropping, that's the only problem with trying to sculpt over a piece with bondo, it's more brittle than resin. It's happened to me before. =/

i wish bondo was more durable. lol. no work tonight, the assault begains tomarrow! what i did... its kind of frankinstien now, but after it got messed up, i cut off the face and jaw and fiberglassed the sharkhead/nobody jaw and face to it. so, im back on track. i think...... lol