X Men Wolverine claws: UPDATE


Well-Known Member
EDIT: ok, while I wait for the reply to taht email I sent, I was wondering if any of you guys knew at least some of the measurements for his "claws" any measurements for this are good, I think the length is 9 inches, and the width is about 3/16, can any one confirm/share their info?
-thanks :)
Nobody, I kow there is some out there I've seen some of a set the actualy prop claws, used in X-Men 1, it was just a while back and I never saved it.
As long as its a pic of the wolverine claws, or somthing highres that shows them, I really need at least one picture, I spent at least 2 hrs looking for some ref pics of them on the comp a few days ago and found nothing.......
Well guys I did it, after days of searching, 4 hrs alone today, I finally located the guy who has a set of screen used wolverine claws from the first movie, hopfully I can get some measurements and more pics in a bit.
maybe this will help you :


i´d say its nearly the same lenght than just YOUR underarm...
if you plan to do some for yourself they should fit "into" your underarm...

hope this might be helpful.
Don't you mean "Forearm"?

Originally posted by RoCKo@Nov 29 2005, 09:58 PM
maybe this will help you :


i´d say its nearly the same lenght than just YOUR underarm...
if you plan to do some for yourself they should fit "into" your underarm...

hope this might be helpful.
This is good, but I was looking for more of actual measurements of the screen used ones, or next best thing, does anyone know of any sites that can help me with this?
I got it covered, the man who owns a set of the claws from the movie emailed me back today complete with all the measurements I asked for and a full size print out for me, :D , really nice guy, I was just alittle sceptical on two measurements, that I forgot to ask, :p then I'm good.
Alright, I finally got some well overdue pics of what I've been working on here.


I really like how they are turning out I still have about and hours work left in them, then I can fill some spots with some bondo I bought. :)
-Which leads to my next question,
The following is a pic of one of 8 sets from the first X-Men (not mine)

My question is how would I secure the wires/rods holding the claws in place, I see that they are inserted through the back etc, but I talked to a guy I know about this and he said he doubts they knurled the rods etc, so I wanted to run this past you guys, as I would like to do this portion tomorrow.
-ANY suggestions will help.
Thanks a bunch I didnt see the reply at first I think there's some sort of glitch going on. I'm sceptical on where to put the screw however, its hard for me to see, even on the scan I have, I have an idea of where it may be.. Is there any way you can circle where it goes?
Originally posted by ~Sal~@Apr 7 2006, 03:06 PM
Thanks a bunch I didnt see the reply at first I think there's some sort of glitch going on.  I'm sceptical on where to put the screw however, its hard for me to see, even on the scan I have, I have an idea of where it may be..  Is there any way you can circle where it goes?

Just saw this thread. Here are some pics of my claws. I got them off of ebay last year. They seem to be roughly the same design. Let me know if you need anymore pics.





Thought I would throw this pic up, just a quick shot I took. The primer was not spraying right, it was spraying in clumps.. So I went with just some silver paint for now. I still have a little more sanding to go, and then I'm going to repaint them and then I think I'm going to rub and buff them..
-The basic claw portian is based on a scan of an original scanning of an X1 claw. The griping portian I decided to base on the X2 version because it looks more comfortable. Kind of a sort of hybrid. The foam is just on the one because I was experimenting to see if it would make a different in comfort, I will probably end up removing it.
Your ergonomic handgrip looks very comfortable..

Did you grab a chunk of clay them take a mold of the shape?

I must say that it was very nice of the screen-used owner to offer up the measurements..

Thanks for the reply. I am really happy with how they are turning out, I actually had a lot of bondo left over so I ended up using that for the grip section. I'd like to completely finish tweaking them and finishing them up within a day or so.
I am posting these photos because other sites requested more photos so here is more.


The bottom pic I modeled after this one,