X-Men: Days of Future Past

Fixing the mistakes of previous writers is the heart of most Superhero comics really.

This sounds like business as usual honestly and part of the fun and weirdness of long form soap opera style storytelling.
Ohh darn. Cinema Blend said he was on the cast less than 20 hours ago. Come onnn Singer, we get full casts from both past and present but no Nightcrawler? :(
On the whole, SUPERMAN RETURNS was a massive black hole of Suck from which neither light nor hope could escape, without question - but PARTS of it were pure gold.

> The "listening from on high" scene
> Superman catching the airliner by the nose
> The gattling gun/"What part of BULLETPROOF did you NOT understand?"

They were tiny diamonds in huge pile of steaming camel vomit, but they were still pretty damn shiny.

THE USUAL SUSPECTS is still Singer's best picture, sure. But as awful as RETURNS was, he's no M. Night Shyamalan...
Interesting. I picked up the TPB for Days of Future Past, and was...actually rather disappointed by it. It seems like a lot of potential, gone to waste. The TPB itself really only has two issues devoted to Days of Future Past, and while they're really intriguing, they don't tell much of a story.

That said, I think there's a lot of potential fodder there for a parallel present/future tale. Here's hoping they don't screw it up.
Interesting. I picked up the TPB for Days of Future Past, and was...actually rather disappointed by it. It seems like a lot of potential, gone to waste. The TPB itself really only has two issues devoted to Days of Future Past, and while they're really intriguing, they don't tell much of a story.

That said, I think there's a lot of potential fodder there for a parallel present/future tale. Here's hoping they don't screw it up.

It's the X-Men. Fodder is not something they are lacking :lol
^ Ashmore with mo-cap markers on his face and a beard (hopefully he'll be in ice form the entire time), and Berry with the shorter hair and more 'tactical' looking costume. Seems like these are the future versions of the original cast.

PS: They need a new wig person, that's for damn sure.
Jackman on the DOFP set with his pants unzipped...Sentinal rape scene?:lol There are a few other photos but from the looks of that that teaser photo and this, I think there will be 2 wolverines; one from the 70s and this one from the future. And the dude who played Cyclops was also seen boarding a plane to Montreal....The place where this is being shot!!!
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I apologize guys. The website I got this from says it was indeed from the DOFP set but it is now confirmed to be Hugh in Montreal doing reshoots for The Wolverine, more specifically, an after credits sceen
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