X-Men: Days of Future Past

Regarding the Sentinels design: what is the purpose in putting glass over their faces?

Doesn't seem like that would protect them from mutant powers.
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The giant intake might just be a thrust vent so that the robots can fly.

Also a plexiglass shield could protect delicate sensory equipment from getting banged up by debris.

Besides the sentinals were always pretty silly looking. I'm honestly surprised they kept it as close as they did!

All of that potential spoiler info is gone... Can someone do a spoiler post please?

I'll put twhat I remember with the extra bit about Colossus vs the Sentinel. I can't say whether a lot of it is true or not but from what I get when I read the studio wanted the article taken down, it might be.

1. The tomb they are seen walking into is where Apocalypse is resting (the spot where Wolverine lays in a coma.
2. Colossus dies fighting a sentinel that basically transforms using it's 'organic metal plating', mimicing his powers.
3. Rogue is captured because her powers are being used to transfer other mutants' powers to the future sentinels.
4. Professor X. and Kitty combine their powers to phase Wolverine back in time.
4. Future mageto gives future Wolverine his metal claws back using his powers.
5. The timeline becomes broken into 2 parts resulting from Wolverine messing with it leaving the events of the original trilogy including X-Men Origins and The Wolverine to remain the same and he ends up being permanently stuck in a coma. The events that transpire lead into Apocalypse.

I don't know why y'all are complaining abou tthe sentinels...I mean they looked goofy in the comics...
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I knew 100% that The Winter Soldier would find a Super Bowl spot.. I had 60% confidence that DoFP woukd have one... they need a trailer or at least a tv spot, I remember X1 had at least 12 tv spots. We fans know where to look on the internet for teasers, but if they want to win back their production costs, this needs exposure other than the internet and 25 covers of the same magazine lol
I should've dropped 10.4 million on it like Mayweather did the Broncos LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...But seriously, I guess they want this to do bad. Nobody I know knows that it's coming out. They were like whaaaaat? They were even more shocked when I told them another Wolverine movie came out.
I knew 100% that The Winter Soldier would find a Super Bowl spot.. I had 60% confidence that DoFP woukd have one... they need a trailer or at least a tv spot, I remember X1 had at least 12 tv spots. We fans know where to look on the internet for teasers, but if they want to win back their production costs, this needs exposure other than the internet and 25 covers of the same magazine lol

TV spots usually don't start until about a month before release. But I agree...with less than 5 months to go, they need to get another trailer out soon.
TV spots usually don't start until about a month before release. But I agree...with less than 5 months to go, they need to get another trailer out soon.

Not for the Super Bowl. Transformers, The Avengers, and many more all showed up months before following a brand new trailer a day later.
The Super Bowl spot an entirely different beast. Yes a bunch of movie's got spots (which they paid out the a** for) but you wont see any more of them until closer to the release date
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