X-Men: Days of Future Past

First they change the story from Kitty Pride to Wolverine, now they've removed a well established female character from the story completely. If they don't care, I don't care.
As I said on Facebook yesterday, they need to cut another half-dozen characters out of this beast before I'm anything but seriously concerned about the potential quality of it. X3's problems were legion, but cramming every mutant they could into it didn't help matters.
I have to agree that I never cared much for Rogue. Though she was pivotal in the first X-Men movie, it doesn't mean that she needs to be in this one. I also agree that trying to do to much with too many characters will sink a movie in a flash. Seems like they try to do that all too often these days and then movies tend to loose focus in favor of quantity over quality.
I like the character in the comics but her Rogue struck me as rather whiny and unimportant compared to the comics and even the animated series.
Wait, you don't care about female characters anymore?!?! Anyways, she was a bit part thanks to the old films, regardless of what she does now.
First they change the story from Kitty Pride to Wolverine, now they've removed a well established female character from the story completely. If they don't care, I don't care.
It wouldn't work if Kitty Pryde was the one going back in time. Ellen Page is not lead material, I don't care what role she gets, she never will be to me on the level of Jackman. She to me is like JGL...I can't take him seriously either as a lead because of that Angels in the Outfield movie...Anyways, more news out about Rogue. Apparently they are going to try and fit her into the reshoots so she actually has a scene.
As I said on Facebook yesterday, they need to cut another half-dozen characters out of this beast before I'm anything but seriously concerned about the potential quality of it. X3's problems were legion, but cramming every mutant they could into it didn't help matters.

This. Including characters for the sake of checking a box and saying "So now THAT character's fan-base is appeased..." is pointless and dilutes the focus of the story. X3 was already lacking in focus, but shoving ALL THE MUTANTS into the film just made it seem unfocused and just being about a bunch of fan service. I want a story, not a collection of scenes.
The Days of future past comics had very few mutants so them cramming in all these folks is a bad idea. You can mention them or have something in passing that's a nod but we don't need 30 mutants in a story than only had a handful to start with. Have 2 magnetos and 2 xaviers is already pushing things.
First Images of Sentinels in 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Raise Some Interesting Questions | Movie News | Movies.com

I wonder if they will actually go to the lengths of resolving these possible continuity issues. For some matters they will probably consider that not many would actually be scrutinizing these details expect hardcore fans. Of course there is no way they can tie up all loose ends, but I do hope they plan to address at least some of them in the movie.

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Why doe he remind me of Kurt Russell
The Days of future past comics had very few mutants so them cramming in all these folks is a bad idea. You can mention them or have something in passing that's a nod but we don't need 30 mutants in a story than only had a handful to start with. Have 2 magnetos and 2 xaviers is already pushing things.

Maybe all the old/future mutants will get killed/captured in the first 20 minutes.
The Days of future past comics had very few mutants so them cramming in all these folks is a bad idea. You can mention them or have something in passing that's a nod but we don't need 30 mutants in a story than only had a handful to start with. Have 2 magnetos and 2 xaviers is already pushing things.

It doesn't really sound like we're tracking perfectly to the comics, though.
Ye all of little faith...astounds me really. Y'all have no faith whatsoever. It's like if it doesn't follow the comic panel by panel to some of you, it'll fail. Same was said about First Class and The Wolverine and look how great those turned out.
Kind of a bummer about rogue getting cut, but whatever. I can't keep track with x-men anymore - there have been so many books and spin offs etc. I kinda stopped reading right before Avengers vs XMen because it's just too much work to keep up with it all. I'm a bit wary about blending storylines with including Bishop in DoFP but I'm sure it will work out ok. Still excited after that first trailer.
Kind of a bummer about rogue getting cut, but whatever. I can't keep track with x-men anymore - there have been so many books and spin offs etc. I kinda stopped reading right before Avengers vs XMen because it's just too much work to keep up with it all. I'm a bit wary about blending storylines with including Bishop in DoFP but I'm sure it will work out ok. Still excited after that first trailer.

I read an article where they're trying to put her back in since they already had her in the trailer.
For me personally, movie Rogue wasn't Rogue, I was really hoping over the course of the first 3 movies she would develop a little into the flying badass I knew from the old days, but she remained a bit too 'Twilight' for my liking. Also to address the 'too many mutants' issue, I also believe a great deal of this will form scenes of mutants being exterminated or rounded up as others have suggested, I don't think there will be too much clambering to give every B-grade mutant a role that is integral to the plot :)
Yeah it seems all the new characters are in the future scenes, I was watching the cartoon and most of the story takes place in the past. So its most likely that all the future characters are introduced then put in concentration camps for later screen times... or just put in for fans' sake and then obliterated by sentinels lol
For me personally, movie Rogue wasn't Rogue, I was really hoping over the course of the first 3 movies she would develop a little into the flying badass I knew from the old days, but she remained a bit too 'Twilight' for my liking.

Totally THIS!!! Pretty much the exact reason why I'm not going to miss her. If they're not going to do her right don't do her at all.
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