WIP Zombie character

Interesting style to the sculpt, looks a bit more like a cartoony zombie (which isn't a bad thing). Really like the mid-section how it all flairs up
Interesting style to the sculpt, looks a bit more like a cartoony zombie (which isn't a bad thing). Really like the mid-section how it all flairs up

Thanks, Error and Auram!

Stylized is exactly what I'm shooting for, I don't think I have the skill to attempt anything realistic yet, so I'm trying to keep it within my capabilities. Although I think I departed a little too much in the head area, so I'm going to have to pull back a bit there.

Thanks for the support you guys!

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Update, I haven't had a lot of time to put into this, but got to put a little more work into him.

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Ok, finally finished the "little" guy. Not bad for the first real sculpt I've ever done.

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Great sculpt! Are you going to end up finishing this guy up with some paint? Would be very cool fully painted.

Well, noo, most likely not, he's already been delivered to his new owner who requested him as is. I really wish I had the painting skills to take him to the next level, but I guess all in good time.

I have to agree that a full paint job would have been awesome.

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Pitchfork, Troublemaker, and Nero,

Thank you! You guys are really encouraging and supportive.

Much respect,

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