WIP: Pulse Rifle manual - CGI


Sr Member
Hi there!

I posted this over at the Aliens Legacy forums, but I thought I'd post it here too.

While planning the display for my M41-A Pulse Rifle replica, which I should hopefully finish this year (finally!), I found that I don't want people picking up the weapon and playing with it without a clue how to properly handle a pretty heavy replica weapon. I don't want anyone to drop it on the floor. Therefore, I am going to put the Pulse Rifle in a glass case.

However, in order to let people admire the beauty of the Pulse Rifle and still offer some interactivity, I wanted some sort of Pulse Rifle manual to catch their eye and for them to flip through in case they are interested in the rifle. Also, I wanted the manual to be less "real world" inspired and military "plain" like the (scarcely) available manuals, but rather a fancy and flashy "manual / advertisement campaign", so that people would flip through the manual instead of picking up the Pulse Rifle.

So I began working on this:

It's probably going to take ages until I finish the manual completely, and there's lots of tweaking to be done yet, but I like it so far.

The image was made with 3D Studio Max and VRay, it's completely computer generated. I forgot to post this when I posted the thread over at the Aliens Legacy boards, and it seems most people thought it was a real Pulse Rifle. Talk about a compliment. :D

Any input appreciated.

That image is really amazing. It's incredible how far CG graphics have come. Count me as one who thought that was a real PR in the image.

If you can convince someone to let you borrow their PR manual that would be the best place to start. You could always get one from Derrick. I am pretty sure he still makes them. Might be more money than you want to invest though.


Great work so far. I will be more than happy to buy one once it is completed.
Hey there!

Yes, I know Derrick has made a manual, but as I said, I want to go a different route and make it more of a fancy brochure for people to look at and to keep them from messing with the rifle, so it's going to be less "military" style and a bit more simplified for a manual, although with more cool pics. :D
I actually once was in the market for one of Derrick's manuals, but I just had something different in mind, more flashy. I think his manual is great, and I probably can't avoid some similarities, but I try to make all the pics and info in the manual from scratch to the extent possible.

BTW, here's another pic for y'all. :)

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Hi there!

Unfortunately, I am REALLY stressed out right now due to my new job, and I can't give any estimate at all when I'll be able to finish this. But since I want one most of all, it is eventually going to happen. :)

Hi guys!

As you might have seen, I've finally finished the Pulse Rifle Manual as well as a Poster. I have a few of these available for sale here:

A few people asked if I coud re-upload the WIP pictures. Unfortunately, I lost most of the old WIP images from the first post in a HD crash a few years back. So I thought I'd post some of the progress pics I managed to rescue in this thread:

First part I modelled in 3DS MAX: The SPAS cage.

The grip had its very own problems:

But then I nailed it:

The Thompson parts:

Starting on the shrouds:

Almost there:

Materials aren't convincing at all yet:

Also, viewing angle and lighting is everything (which I learned from bad shots like this one):

Working on the cover shot:
