WIP: Hero Pulse Rifle from Aliens


Sr Member

I figure I'm close enough to the finish line on this project to post a collage of photos (click on the small image to see a larger version) from the beginning of my project to where I am today. For details regarding the buildup, go ahead and check out my blog about it here:


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That thing is looking FANTASTIC. Man, wow, very cool!!!!!!

Worthy of multiple exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!


are you making a run of these?

He's just sharing his personal custom build. if you're looking for a resin kit, check spatcave my friend.
That looks incredible.

Would you mind posting information about the speaker you used. I'm assuming you added a sound board for firing noises. I'd love to add a Hyperdyne to my PR but had thought it was too crowded. You seem to have made it work.

Thanks and congrats.

I appreciate the kind words. Now to answer some questions:

  • This is my personal replica, no run is being made. In fact, all the parts are sourced from members here as well as members on the Aliens Legacy Forum.
  • Yes, I did infact use a Maruzen M870 for that :lol Believe me, it was hard to cut that thing apart. Quite a nice airsoft weapon to begin with. However, the action is awesome, it sounds good to rack, AND a shell can be cycled through it. Awesome.
  • There are no electronic sounds, or extra lights on this replica. I personally feel that they never live up to the impact of real weapons being fired.
You suck.

I keed, I keed... :lol

That is looking outstanding thus far! Beats hell out of my PVC/wood/plastic/metal/whatever I can find around the house scratchbuild, which if I'm lucky, may be done by year's end... :unsure
Nice Dana! I was looking at your counter wiring and said to myself 'hey that guy is smart!' Then I read your blog and realized you are smart! Thanks for the kudos and hope to see you at the E3 drop.
Excellent!!! (Some more exclamation marks for the pot).

Beautiful sharp edges and clean lines, looks machine made and totally believable as a real mass produced weapon.
