Wicked Witch of the West Makeup


Sure thing. I tried something different and did silicone negatives. Probably wouldn't do it again for something like this, but it was interesting. Not pictured are the brow (done as a flat mold) and chin (done like the others).



  • IMG_1593_zps276fa531.jpg
    129 KB · Views: 89
This is interesting! Can I ask why you used silicone? It seems to have done the job just fine so why wouldn't you use it again? :)

Beautiful work! :thumbsup :)
I had seen/heard of a couple other people doing it, and thought it would be interesting to try.

It seems to have done the job just fine so why wouldn't you use it again?
That's just it. It did the job just fine. I didn't feel it made any improvement over straight stone, and it was more complicated to do.
Ah I see, thanks :)
The reason I ask is that I'm making something similar to a prosthetic for my project, its the mix of hard & flexible half's of the mould that interests me. It would be easier for me to use silicone for my project so its nice to know it'll work :)

Thanks :)
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