I enjoyed it back in the day, and prefer Part 1 to Part 2. But I also haven't seen it in at least a decade if not more. I generally enjoy his films, although I think it basically boils down to three things:
1. You have to enjoy his dialogue on the whole. If you don't, then don't bother watching his films because he stuffs them FULL of dialogue, especially long scenes of dialogue only. I enjoy that, but I recognize it's not for everyone.
2. You have to enjoy the genres and films he references. Spaghetti westerns (like, beyond just the Leone ones), chanbarra, Saturday Kung Fu Theater/Shaw Bros., blaxploitation, etc. His films are often just modernized, bigger-budget genre films with a modern gloss applied. If the core genre doesn't do it for you, watching his stuff is a waste of time.
3. You have to like his stylistic stuff. I loved the Hateful Eight. I loved the stories, the long dialogue scenes, the stylized ultraviolence, etc. I do think his "stories told out of order" schtick has worn thin, but I feel that way for pretty much any artist who tends to rely on just doing the same thing over and over and over. See also: Joss Whedon and his "kill people when they're happy" stuff, M.Night Shyamalan and "What a twist!", etc. Like, if you've got your "thing," maybe do more than just that thing. Maybe find other things and do them instead or in addition to your thing. But, like, the trick was clever once, entertaining the second time, and old hat the third. That said, I accept Tarantino's penchant for out-of-order storytelling. "Eh. That's just his thing." I don't love it, but it also doesn't bother me.
I suppose a fourth point would be "You can't be squicked out by feet." Of all of Tarantino's stylistic things, that's probably my least favorite. 'Nuff said on that.
Anyway, overall Tarantino has a very clear, very distinct style that he applies to a variety of genres. If it ain't for you, then you won't dig the films because they're nothing all that new, and if the style isn't for you then there's really nothing else to hold your attention probably.