Why aren't we getting a remake of

I understand that, if they just add color and fix the audio, I could convince some of the moron's around the city to actually watch it.
COLOR IT! It's in black and white because of the original Frankenstein movies. The sound quality and music is to hark back to the days of the originals. Who cares if stupid kids give it a chance anyway? They'll forget it a week later when Transformers 3: The Revenge of CGI opens. Then they'll take their Adderall and forget that too.
I want a remake of the worst sci-fi film ever made, Battlefield Earth. But done accurate to the book and made like the LotR trilogies over 2-3 movies.
True, when T3 comes out I'm going to walk around in my Jedi robe with a picket sign that has a picture of the original on it chanting the end is near for you stupid Arses.
I want a remake of the worst sci-fi film ever made, Battlefield Earth. But done accurate to the book and made like the LotR trilogies over 2-3 movies.

While we're on accurate to the book and back to back ala LOTR, Bond.
I want to see the Bond NOVELS made into films.. I wanna see proper period pieces, accurate to the books and done in the correct order.
They should remake the transformers remakes, there you go, like they did the crummy X-Men series. All they have to do it call it transformers, then play the Cartoon movie.
Willow easily stands up to the test of time... You can put it in theaters right now and alot of people would think it's brand new... That movie should be left alone forever.
The last Starfighter

The Last Starfighter has already been done..
The Last Starfighter Remake Trailer..

Though I am hanging for The Son of the Last Starfighter..

I've also been writing a screen play for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.. Trying to stay true to the novel, and away from the movie.. Darker, right aged Dorothy, hardly any singing ( Maybe a song or two ), real lion etc.. Here's a trailer I did to try and get the feel for it..
Oz Trailer..

I've always wanted to see this..
id be there to see a rerelease untouched willow on the big screen. i need to add that to the list of movies to get.

will ferrell as six million dollar man?
i will be there first in line after camping infront of the theater since they started production.
Fritz Lang's Metropolis has never been remade. Which is surprising. A remake could certainly expand on the production design and visuals while hopefully making the story a little less naive.

A live-action Akira has been tossed around for a long time now. Certainly that would be make for an interesting film, although its hard to imagine such of the imagery translating into flesh and blood, like Tetso's mutated form or the bright colors.

A Clockwork Orange would make for a fascinating remake. I think it's as relevant today as ever. What really gets you about Clockwork is that the opening scenes of ultra-violence are still too much even for today's audiences. Shocking nearly 40 years later.

I'm looking forward to the third attempt to film Dune, one of my all time favorite books.

The Day the Earth Stood Still, only make this version good, unlike the Keanue Reeves remake, which wasn't.

The only worthwhile remakes are the re-imaginings like nBSG, the new Batman and Bond films, The Thing, Cape Fear, etc. They succeed critically for the same reason that good sequels like Empire, Aliens, T2 succeeded: they take the concept in a new direction rather than retread what has already been done. Remakes that rehash the original rather than reinvent are just like standard Hollywood sequels that copy the first film.

Of course plenty of re-imaginings suck, too. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes certainly comes to mind.
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