Who makes this Iron Man helmet

Thanks for the info guys. It actually looks pretty awful so i'll give it a miss I think!
hey Vash - I am no IM expert but I take it the Sideshow and WIndlass Mark II;s are very different?

this is the one that is identical to the one in the link in post #1

They are the same, I think Sideshow and Museum Replicas are just distributers for the helmet.
The picture on the Windlass Studios IM helmet box in the other thread has the exact same picture that you posted.
Hey Vash - cheers mate. yeah I noticed taht too abt the same piccie. Also when u googled "Windlass Mk II IM" and "Sideshow MkII IM" you got almost teh same batch of photos

just always assumed sideshow and windlass were separate companies (and are I guess ie producer vs dsitributor). thansk for clarification!

damster - good choice mate. there are loads of excellent fan mades. Think I saw a Fettster IM lid FS in the JY. Personally I got a Russellsculpts lid, which I love.
