Where to find "c" styled clamps in 1.25" wide?


Master Member
I have been looking around at pretty much every single hardware store and just regular store around, and I cannot find these things in the size I need.

The clamp (for lack of a better term) is plastic, and is in the shape of a C or a U (depending on how you look at it). It uses tension to "grip" something (cable, wire, closet rod, etc). It doesn't have anything else special about it, just the ability to grip something. Like the bottom part of this pic :


I am working on a display and I need to get a few of these (except single clamps, not sets of 4). The color doesn't matter as much as the size does.

Anyone have any clues on this? I am completely stumped.
I'm not sure on the outside diameter of Maglite flashlights or some of the brands, but check out the flashlight mounting clip brackets. I know maglite sells accesory clips something like that as single clips so you can mount your flashlight in a vehicle so it won't roll around or on the wall for accesibility.
Hardware stores sell the C clamps, and they should also sell the grip things to hang stuff in your garage.
Depending on the size, computer and/or office supply stores sell cable routers to keep things tidy and out of the way under peoples' desks...

Had a set at one time, but they were crappy abs/polyester knock-offs that had no resiliency to them.

Also, think aquarium fixture components- that was the first thing I thought I saw in the photograph...

All of these, of course are rather small, so I could be going the complete and total opposite direction to what you need... :$:lol

I have looked around online, and found maglite clips that seem to be the size I need.

I never would have thought of looking for those.

Now all I have to do is find a store near me that carries em (wal mart, despite having every model of maglite, does NOT carry them... odd).

Thanks guys!