Where did my colored text go?


Sr Member
Has anyone else experienced the loss of colored text in their threads?
Did I miss an announcement?
I don't seem to have the option either?
Has anyone else experienced the loss of colored text in their threads?
Did I miss an announcement?
I don't seem to have the option either?

The option is gone.

Looks like BB Code doesn't work either.
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I noticed it on my FS threads, I had certain things highlighted in color to make it easier for folks to see?
I'm bumping this specific question as I had originally asked this in another thread that was more a general set of questions regarding the recent changes.
Colored text MAY be brought back once we have the software upgrade in place and see how colored text will work with the color schemes... but as of now, we are holding off and again, the reasoning is due to colors not being visible on various schemes so those who use a particular color on one theme to emphasize their text may result in invisible or barely visible text in another theme. I am really hoping this can be resolved in the future but in all honestly the chances are low since their will almost sure be at least three themes with very different background/base text colors: light background/dark text, dark background/light text, work safe (which will probably be another light background/dark text).
If it is brought back I would only like to see it if there is an option in my control panel to over ride colored text with the default of the skin. I hate going into a thread and there is a post that is all in a color that is not visible on my screen.
That is the problem... from what I have seen... maybe someone who is ever more knowledgeable than me about the board software (like exoray) might know a workaround, but the problem is, when someone uses a text color bbcode, the software isn't smart enough to realize that the color may not work on all the skins... it just does what the bbcode says even if the background is the same color.
the software isn't smart enough to realize that the color may not work on all the skins... it just does what the bbcode says even if the background is the same color.
That is why I am asking for a toggle, like for signatures (one for smilies would be nice too, I hate those things). Go into control panel and "See colored text" Y/N
maybe someone who is ever more knowledgeable than me about the board software (like exoray) might know a workaround

It can be done, but off the top of my head the quickest and dirtiest 'safe' way to do it would be to only allow a few select colors with custom BB code that you know doesn't effect other skins, rather then having the forum try to sort it out from every color available... Not saying a fancier way can't be worked out just that it would require more thought process then I can toss at it right now...

Basically you keep the color BB code off like it is and implement a custom BB code set this should be an option in the admin control panel as shown below...


Add say BBcode like this

tag [RED] replacement <font color="#FF0000">{param}</font>
tag [BLUE] replacement <font color="#0000FF">{param}</font>
tag [GREEN] replacement <font color="##008000">{param}</font>
tag [YELLOW] replacement <font color="#FFFF00">{param}</font>
tag [PURPLE] replacement <font color="#800080">{param}</font>
tag [ORANGE] replacement <font color="#FFA500">{param}</font>
tag [LIME] replacement <font color="#00FF00">{param}</font>
tag [PINK] replacement <font color="#FFC0CB">{param}</font>
tag [BROWN] replacement <font color="#A52A2A">{param}</font>

{{ I used the color chart here for common color names vs HEX number http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/html_colornames.asp }}

Simply add code like the above via the control panel, make buttons (as font colored buttons are probably a good idea to make it simple for the members vs remembering all the BB codes) the buttons can just be an appropriate colored letter or a letter with the font colored bar under it similar to the original vBulletin font color selection tool...

This limits the available font colors to a set pallet that doesn't conflict with skins/themes, while allowing some use of colors by the members...

**As I have said before at this current time I do not administer any vBulletin forums so I can't test or double check what I just posted to verify if it will work or not, just winging it based on memory and past experience right now...
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Exoray comes through again! As we don't have the overall look/feel of the new styles nailed down, we are going to hold off on this and not revisit it until after the upgrade. As our only reason for removing the colored text has to do with style conflicts, I have no problem custom building primary colors back into the system as long as they don't conflict with the styles. Thanks for the help exoray!