Sr Member
What's the best helmet and anyone have any pictures of it?
Edited so I don't get my dangler removed.
Edited so I don't get my dangler removed.
You have RotJ//RotS tusks on an ESB helmet?I have one... and its worth A LOT of $$$$.....
I havent had a chance to put the screens in. And I plan on replacing the lenses with better ones. It has tusks made by the guy who made them for the actual ROTS mask.
Ahh... okay... yeah... good. :rolleyesNo, I have ESB tusks on an ESB mask. The dude that made the tusks for my mask also made them for the ROTS mask. Sorry if I was confusing.
I wonder if MR will ever come out with a decent OT Vader helmet.
Isn't the DP DLX a RotJ version?
Also... MR, if they are ever going to produce an OT Vader will also only do RotJ, as that is the helmet ALL license-holders are making.
I believe there is no discussion permitted of a banned members products here.
<div class='quotetop'>(SithLord @ Aug 14 2006, 02:30 PM) [snapback]1300257[/snapback]
I believe there is no discussion permitted of a banned members products here.
The Twentieth Century face with a GH dome works very nicely for me.
The Administration has determined that Apogee1 is a sockpuppet of Dark Jedi Inc.
Therefore, the username Apogee1 has been banned permanently.
The user Dark Jedi Inc. has also been banned permanently for violation of the sockpuppet rule and for attempted sabotage of a fellow member's project.
Please be aware that any attempts at registering a sockpuppet account will be found out and punishment administered.
Severity of punishment is based on degree of the offense as determined by the Administrators.
Update: Apr 7 2004, 08:39 PM
Add "Sith Master" to the list of sockpuppets created by Phil.
Many different factors have proven that supposed newbie "Sith Master" was in fact another sockpuppet attempt by DJI.
Update: Apr 10 2004, 10:41 AM
Add Mr. Bones to the list as yet another alias used by this former member.
The Mr. Bones account has been banned.
Update: June 10 2006, 1:42AM
DarkJediInc, aka Apogee1, aka Sith Master, aka Mr. Bones, now goes by the name SPFX in the prop community. For the record, while a member of the RPF he implied that he was John Dykstra, and outright said that he worked on ANH. He also used his SP accounts to have conversations with himself to cement the deception that they were two separate people.[/b]