What's a good bondo alternative?


Active Member
Hey everyone,
Getting ready to start my RC armor assembly and decided to opt out of using bondo. It seems like the more I use this stuff, the less I like it. I know that it is used by a lot of people but aren't there some cracking and peeling issues?

I'm looking for something that will have a little bit of flexibility (like on the arms and legs) and will also bond well to ABS. Any suggestions? I have heard of some stuff called bumper putty...anyone heard of it or tried to use it? If so, with what results? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Get a better brand and grade autobody filler (Evercoat brand is recommended) and remember that it's not for sculpting and globing on, it's made to smooth out a surface and build up in a small degree... If you are going to attempt to sculpt and lay it on heavy you will have problems, as it's simply not designed for that...
My brother has me using some marine grade 2 part epoxy for a few parts that I didn't want to risk cracking on. So far... seems like a viable alternative. It will definitely be flexible and he promises me that it will paint up. Haven't gotten that far yet though so I can't say for sure about the paint.
Thanks guys for the fast replies and info. I guess I should have explained exactly what it was I need it for...basically just for the seams on the legs and arms (which will obviously need to be bent open a bit to fit in the respective appendage). I'm just worried about the "hinge" part cracking, hence the need for some flexibility. I also wanted to make sure that it will hold up to the extreme degrees of weather (hot and cold) that we sometimes experience here in the southwest which may affect shrinking and expanding (although I don't think plastic shrinks and expands as much as wood does it?)...that just doesn't sound right at all, does it? :lol