What is Wash Wearing?

Mike J.

Master Member
I was looking at one of the official desktops from the Serenity site, and thought I recognized one of the patches on Wash's jumpsuit:


It looks like one of the Leonov crew patches from 2010:


But it's not...

There are some curious differences:

- Colors are changed (not too odd)

- "LEONOV" letters are scrambled (why? The picture of Wash isn't mirrored)

- American flag graphic is altered (vertical stripe & gold star added, white stars removed)

- The Great Red Spot is gone

Why all the changes? It implies this was not one of the repro patches commonly available. Did they make their own? What does it mean?

Damn. Good eye.

Is it possible they are seperately (and unknowingly) patterned off a real world patch of some kind?

I know the show isn't shy about showing it's influences (the WY logo and such) and they did have starship troopers running amok in the alliance, so maybe it's a recycled bit of wardrobe :)

Either way, hell of a catch.

Here's another one:


Logically, that should say "Londinium", but that really looks like it doesn't...

Looks like ... "LYNOOMO" or something...

Here's the kicker — that's based on a real Soviet space patch, this one for Interkosmos:


Again, we see more subtle changes: a new border and a new star.

I'm starting to think somebody just did a Google Image Search for 'soviet patch' and drew their ideas from that.

Just speculation here, But it appears that the first patch shown has been modified to represent a future China/United States emblem, they changed the US Flag adding the vertical strieps and moving/altering the star and modified the Russian emblem and replaced with the three gold stars similar to the modern Chinese flag, but obviously altered slightly.

I think it is pretty neat :)
But wait — there's more.

There's a third patch hidden by his 'harness':


The shape & angles strongly suggest a pentagon.

From what little we can see, it might be the patch from Shuttle mission 104:


However, Washburn's patch has an extra white border inside the outermost red border; suggesting a custom job (again).

Regarding Wash's last patch: I was correct, it is a pentagon.

From what the Propstore shows us, almost all the text is gibberish, except what looks like "CO" in the upper left....

Hmm... Soviet patch?... Space related?... CO = SO in Cyrillic....

Here's the origin:


An Apollo-Soyuz Test Project patch.

Originally posted by Sith Sheriff Brody@Feb 24 2006, 07:31 AM
Regarding Wash's last patch: I was correct, it is a pentagon.

From what the Propstore shows us, almost all the text is gibberish, except what looks like "CO" in the upper left....

Hmm... Soviet patch?... Space related?... CO = SO in Cyrillic....

Here's the origin:


An Apollo-Soyuz Test Project patch.


It's a patch from the Apollo - Soyuz mission in 1975 (or since this is a Soviet patch it's Soyuz - Apollo). СОЮЗ is Cyrillic for Soyuz.

Also, I would speculate that these are meant to be either freelance jobs or just places Wash has worked before signing on to Serenity.