What Cigs does Solid Snake use, and what Cigars does Big Boss/Naked Snake Use

I only remember the package from the first MGS and it wasn't a specific brand that i know of. I'd make them the same brand that Snake Pliskin smokes in Escape from LA personally since Solid Snake was inspired by him.
I wish I knew what that was, I haven't seen Escape From LA or New York since I was 9, Wish I had them on DVD I thought they were called Luckys or something, I'm playing the VR missions right now and they don't have a brand, but I figure Metal Gear Solid 4 might have shown a brand, I couldn't know for sure though since I don't have a PS3
Lucky strike is the logo used for the cigarette item in Metal Gear 1+2, Bal Mal (Pall Mall) in the title screen of MG2, Moslems (Marlboro) in Metal Gear Solid, he also smoked a brand called The Boss.
Naked Snake smoked 'Cuban' brand cigars.

damn this thread is seriously old.
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Yup, thanks, now that I'm 18, I actually bought a pack of Lucky Strikes without filters cause I couldn't find any with, and they were pretty good, but way too rich for my blood since I'll have like one a month. They are almost $10 here. They are like $8 something after tax and only 2 places sell them.