Wested Ripley's jacket from Aliens... anyone has one???


Well-Known Member
I have been curious to see one of Wested's leather jackets from Aliens (the one worn by Sigourney Weaver), although in all these years I have not found a single picture of them.

Until a few months ago that jacket was still listed on Wested's website but only showing a production picture of Sigourney wearing it... not the jacket itself.

If anyone owns one could he/she please post a picture of it?

Thanks a lot!
I've delt with Wested Leather before. Love their quality work and their great prices. (I know i sound like an Ad):$ If you send them an e-mail requesting photos, you'd have a 50/50 shot of getting them. I'd suggest asking Gemma for the jacket pics. She is very informative and typically gets the info you need within a few days. Hope this helps. :)

I have to admit... I never thought of asking THEM! :lol

I'm pretty sure they have none though, but I'll try anyway
Isn't it just a pretty run-of-the-mill leather bomber jacket? I don't remember it being anything out of the ordinary.
Been through this before with Wested, and about the same jacket. I would probably be willing to purchase one as I am a pocket freak (the more the better) but without at least ONE picture to go by, I just can't justify buying in the dark. Filmjackets.com does have a lot of nice screen caps of the film jacket, but I have never been able to find a real life picture of one.
I hear you Banzai... same situation here. For how much I like Wested products I won't be buying one just like that. The few people who owns one can't be bothered posting pictures. :confused
Don't get me wrong, I have a Wested Indy jacket that was an absolute bargain for the custom fitting and details that I had incorporated. Most importantly, Peter knows how to make jackets that are jackets, not costumes. I just wish they would show real pictures of some of the stuff that they can make before you plunk down the money.
"right to the wall!" ? :confused

Thanks for the offer to "love me right to the wall"... but, you know, a simple 'thanks' works for me just fine. This is a Wested, size 44, RIPLEY JACKET reproduction from the movie ALIENS. I bought this in, oh, lets say, 1992. I love it. But it's too small in the sleeves for me to wear. So I don't wear it. I could sell it, actually. It's pristine.


Here's the pictures...
THANKS! Although what I was referring to Kt Templar was a kinda in-joke, nevermind us crazies.

Thanks for posting the pictures of this jacket. Finally I manage to see the famous thing. 1992 you say? May I ask how you came to know about Wested making a replica back in the days? (magazine ads?)

What size is it by the way? I have long arms too, I understand your troubles with it