A ton of straps and webbing is what you use for an Ironman suit

. The way mine works is, I built the legs and arms to stand up by them selves (joints and all) so I don't have to attach them to my main suit. So the legs and arms just slide on, same with the boots and gloves. Now the torso is where you get into the strapping and webbing. First for the cod/waist piece is built a suspender like setup in it to make sure it stays up. Nothing worse than an Ironman with droopy drawers. These piece go over my shoulders and hold the cod piece up. Next the abs wrap around and buckle in the front for me (the center ab piece covers up the buckles). And then I put on my chest piece which is open on one side so I can slide it over my head and get my arms through it. I then buckle the chest piece together, and the shoulder piece I have attached to the chest piece using straps with buckles so i can remove them for easy storage. That is how I put my suit on and I'm able to do it without any help (all though help is appreciated). My next suit will probably be the same way when I finish building my cardboard/fiberglass version of the Mark VII.