Water and power props?


New Member
anyone got ,built or have screen caps from Tank girl , looking for the plastic bottle that Malcom McDowell stabs into a guys back then it fills with water as the guy slowly crumbles to dust .
I have "the making of tank girl" on one of my bookcases somewhere and am almost sure there is a pic of the bottle. Couldn't tell ya what bottle it could be but if ya can give me a while to find it I'll post up what I've got. And whilst we're on the topic of tank girl, can I tag on a request for any pictures of the tank and also the rippers (kangaroos) when they're in their armor.
Thanks and bear with me, I'll go find it.....

sorry, only just tracked down my making of.. book, only to find there are no pics of the bottle! :cry

I'm certain that i've seen it in print somewhere.....

Anyway, I'm off on a camping trip this weekend, but I'm back late sunday, I could scan some of the nice prop related images and stick em up here Monday if ya wanted, sadly no bottle but there are some cool pics of keslee's knife, his robo arm and a few other bits and bobs?

Oh and I would suggest a title change, so it says "Tank Girl" in it, might get more attention

Johnny :thumbsup
I have a couple of pictures of the bottle on my home pc. I'll post some later today.

This is the only Tank Girl prop I own at the moment. Not exactly a "Water & Power" prop, but it's from Tank Girl and I thought you might like to see it :lol

It's her backpack from the beginning of the movie.

Sorry that I've posted pictures of the wrong bottle.
I've should have read the first post a bit better :lol


I've always wondered if that was a prop they made for the movie, or something you could find somewhere. I always wanted to make my own.