Re: Farnsworth's Farnsworth! Spoiler
I haven´t seen the episode yet, and I like the overall idea and design. A lot!
What I do not like is the execution of the decorative graphical elements.
I can only guess, but they are meant to be art nouveau, right ?
They look more like doodles than anything else, and not like those organic floral designs typical of that time.
Especially the small element on the right side beneath the screen looks totally misplaced. Those elements were, when used in graphics or on pottery or furniture or in buildings to frame and compliment things. The elements on the Farnsworth look just tacked on, floating around freely in the overall design, not really connected to the other elements.
EDIT: What DS wrote, I checked out Eckmann and to no surprise it´s of course a classical Art Nouveau/Jugendstil font
Good idea, but not executed well enough. A bit research would have IMO gone a long way :\
The sad thing is that there are tons of pre-made decorative elements available for all vector graphics packages such as Corel Draw, or as collections and I am pretty sure available as downloads as well.
But I don´t want to be too hard on the guys, I am sure that it´s, like so much on such a show, a balance between the 2wants" and the "can" and "can´ts" of the art department/props people. Maybe they had a much more elaborate design in mind but no time to translate it? maybe they did not have the time to do graphics design and just asked the guy who did the laser etching to come up with decorative elements while he was setting everything up? Or they noticed that there was something missing and they decided to quickly go back and add something? Who knows... still a bit sad.
The very first prop that to me is a great concept but falls flat in execution
A Jules Verne communicator ! It can´t become any more classical!
Maybe I better go get my pills...
Naaah, I am sure that once I´ve seen the episode that prop will just grow on me...